21:15 13/12/2023|
SQL Server/MySQL
Thiết kế hệ quản trị CSDL - Quản lý sinh viên (create, alter, update, insert, select) - Lập trình SQL Server
Phản hồi từ học viên
(Dựa trên đánh giá ngày hôm nay)
![hainguyen [T2008A]](
2020-12-02 09:10:07
create database StudentManagementSystem
use StudentManagementSystem
create table class (
classid int primary key identity (1,1) not null,
classcode nvarchar(50)
create table student (
studentid int primary key identity (1,1) not null,
studentname nvarchar(50),
birthdate datetime,
classid int
create table subject (
subjectid int primary key identity (1,1) not null,
subjectname nvarchar(100),
sessioncount int
create table result (
studentid int not null references student(studentid),
subjectid int not null references subject(subjectid),
mark int
constraint pk_result primary key (studentid, subjectid)
alter table subject
add check (sessioncount > 0)
insert into class(classcode)
select * from class
insert into student(studentname, birthdate,classid)
('Pham Tuan Anh', '1993-08-05', 1),
('Phan Van Huy', '1992-06-10', 2),
('Nguyen Hoang Minh', '1992-09-07', 3),
('Tran Tuan Tu', '1993-10-10', 4),
('Do Anh Tai', '1992-06-06', 5)
select * from student
insert into subject(subjectname, sessioncount)
('C ProGramming', 22),
('Web Design', 18),
('Database Management', 23)
select * from subject
insert into result(studentid, subjectid, mark)
(1, 1, 8),
(1, 2, 7),
(2, 3, 5),
(3, 2, 6),
(4, 3, 9),
(5, 2, 8)
select * from result
select studentid 'Ma sinh vien', studentname 'Ten Sinh Vien', birthdate 'Ngay Sinh'
from student
where birthdate between '1992-10-10' and '1993-10-10'
select class.classid, class.classcode, COUNT(student.studentid) totalstudent
from class, student
where class.classid = student.studentid
group by class.classid, class.classcode
select student.studentid 'Ma Sinh Vien', student.studentname 'Ten Sinh Vien', SUM(result.mark) totalmark
from student left join result on student.studentid = result.studentid
group by student.studentid, student.studentname
having SUM(result.mark) > 10
order by totalmark desc
create view view_studentsubjectmark
select student.studentid, student.studentname, subject.subjectname, result.mark
from student, subject, result
where student.studentid = result.studentid and subject.subjectid = result.subjectid
select * from view_studentsubjectmark
create proc up_increasemark
@subject int output
select student.studentid, student.studentname, result.mark, result.subjectid
from student, result
where student.studentid = result.studentid
update result set mark = mark + 1
where result.studentid = @subject
exec up_increasemark 2