15:14 07/09/2022|
Java Basic
[Source Code] Chữa bài tập & Mang index, ArrayList, Vector, HashMap trong Java - C2109I
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package com.gokisoft.c2109i.lesson02;
import java.util.Scanner;
* @author Diep.Tran
public class Test02 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
int x, y;
float s;
System.out.println("Nhap x = ");
x = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("Nhap y = ");
y = scan.nextInt();
try {
s = x / y;
System.out.println("s = " + s);
int[] t = new int[2];
t[3] = 100;
System.out.println("t[3] !!!");
} catch(ArithmeticException e) {
System.out.println("ArithmeticException Error....");
} catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
System.out.println("ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Error....");
} finally {
//Giai phong bo nho -> ko de duoi try
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package com.gokisoft.c2109i.lesson02;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* @author Diep.Tran
public class Test01 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//HashMap -> quan ly du lieu: key & value
//key: fullname -> value: TRAN VAN A
//Kieu du lieu: key -> int, String
//value: int, float, char, boolean, String, Object Class, Array...
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
//Luu du lieu
map.put("fullname", "TRAN VAN A");
System.out.println("25: " + map.get("fullname"));
map.put("fullname", "TRAN VAN B");
System.out.println("28: " + map.get("fullname"));
map.put("fullname", "TRAN VAN C");
System.out.println("31: " + map.get("fullname"));
map.put("age", "32");
// map.remove("fullname");
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
String val = entry.getValue();
System.out.println("key = " + key + ", value = " + val);
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package com.gokisoft.c2109i.lesson02;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* @author Diep.Tran
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Khai mang so nguyen su dung ArrayList
//Khi tim hieu Vector: Chi thay ArrayList -> Vector: DONE
//B1. Khai bao mang -> Mang so nguyen
ArrayList<Integer> t = new ArrayList<>();
//length: t.size(), index: 0 -> length - 1
//B2. Them phan vao trong mang
t.add(100); //length: 1, index: 0
t.add(12); //length: 2, index: 0 -> 1
t.add(22); //length: 3, index: 0 -> 2
//B3. Lay du lieu trong mang
// Xac dinh vi tri can lay ra: index = 1
System.out.println("t[1] = " + t.get(1));
for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) {
System.out.format("\nt[%d] = %d", i, t.get(i));
for (int v : t) {
System.out.println("v = " + v);
//B4. Sua du lieu trong mang
//sua index = 1 (12) -> 20
t.set(1, 20);
for (int v : t) {
System.out.println("v = " + v);
//B5. Xoa phan tu trong mang
//100, 20, 22
//Xoa vi tri index = 1 (20) di -> lam cach nao
for (int v : t) {
System.out.println("v = " + v);
//B6. Chen 1 phan tu vao trong mang
//100, 22 -> chen 1 phan vao vi tri giua 100 va 22 (index = 1)
t.add(1, 25);
for (int v : t) {
System.out.println("v = " + v);
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package com.gokisoft.c2109i.lesson02;
import java.util.Scanner;
* @author Diep.Tran
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner abc = new Scanner(;
//Khai niem mang index:
int t[] = new int[100];
int[] t2 = new int[100];
//length: 100, index: 0 -> length - 1 : 0 -> 99
//Note: so phan tu trong mang fixed
//B1. Khai bao
int k[] = new int[5];
int[] k1 = new int[5];
int[] k2 = {6, 1, 2, 10, 100};
//B2. Them phan tu vao trong mang
//Chuyen du lieu 12 vao trong mang tai vi tri index = 2
k[2] = 12;
k[0] = 1;
k[1] = 16;
System.out.println("Nhap k[3] = ");
k[3] = abc.nextInt();
//B3. Lay du lieu trong mang
System.out.println("k[0] = " + k[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < k.length; i++) {
System.out.format("\nk[%d] = %d", i, k[i]);
//B4. Sua du lieu trong mang
k[0] = 11;
System.out.println("k[0] = " + k[0]);
//B5. Xoa phan tu trong mang
k[0] = 0;
System.out.println("k[0] = " + k[0]);
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package com.gokisoft.c2109i.lesson02;
import java.util.Scanner;
* @author Diep.Tran
public class BT1179 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// method01();
System.out.println("Danh Fibonaci: ");
for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
System.out.print(fn(i) + ", ");
* fn(5) = fn(4) + fn(3)
* = fn(3) + fn(2) + fn(2) + fn(1)
* = fn(2) + fn(1) + fn(1) + fn(0) + fn(1) + fn(0) + 1
* = fn(1) + fn(0) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
* = 1 + 1 + 6 = 8
static int fn(int n) {
if(n == 0 || n == 1) return 1;
return fn(n-1) + fn(n-2);
static void method01() {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Nhap max = ");
int max = scan.nextInt();
int f0 = 1, f1 = 1, fn = f0 + f1;
System.out.println("Day fibonaci: ");
System.out.print(f0 + ", " + f1);
while(fn <= max) {
System.out.print(", " + fn);
f0 = f1;
f1 = fn;
fn = f0 + f1;
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