19:58 18/11/2022|
[Source Code] Tìm hiểu Array & Form trong PHP - C2206L
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<title>Array in PHP</title>
<h1>Welcome to learn Array in PHP</h1>
//Phan 1: Array index
// B1. Khai bao array
$arr = [];
$arr = array();//length, index: 0 -> length - 1, index >= 0
// B2. Them phan tu vao trong mang
array_push($arr, 12); //12 -> length: 1, index: 0
$arr[] = 10; //12, 10 -> length: 2, index: 0 -> 1
$arr[] = 100; //12, 10, 100 -> length: 3, index: 0 -> 2
$arr[] = 12;
// B3. Lay phan tu ra
//Xac dinh vi tri index can lay du lieu ra -> index = 1
echo $arr[1];
// B4. Duyet phan tu trong mang -> count, sizeof
for ($i=0; $i < count($arr); $i++) {
echo "\n".$arr[$i].'<br/>';
echo "\n<br/>===================<br/>\n";
foreach ($arr as $item) {
echo "\n".$item.'<br/>';
// B5. Xoa 1 phan tu trong mang
array_splice($arr, 2, 1);
// B6. Chen 1 phan tu vao trong mang -> 12, 10, 12 -> 12, 10, 1, 2, 12
array_splice($arr, 2, 0, [1, 2]);
array_splice($arr, 2, 0, 11);
// Phan 2: array index -> co cac phan tu san co
$arr2 = [10, 2, 111];
$arr2 = array(55, 6, 100);
// Phan 3: Array -> key & value
$arr = [];
$arr = [
'fullname' => 'TRAN VAN A',
'age' => 22
// Bieu dien 1 thong tin sinh vien: fullname -> TRAN VAN A, age: 22
$arr['fullname'] = 'Tran Van A';
$arr['fullname'] = 'Tran Van B';
$arr['fullname'] = 'Tran Van C';
$arr['age'] = 22;
//Lay du lieu ra
echo $arr['fullname'];
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
echo "\n".$key.' -> '.$value."\n";
//Xoa 1 key di -> lam the nao???
// unset($arr);
// var_dump($arr);
// Khai bao 1 mang index -> chua cac phan tu la mang key & value
$stdList = [];
$stdList[] = [
'fullname' => 'TRAN VAN A',
'age' => 22
$stdList[] = [
'fullname' => 'TRAN VAN B',
'age' => 25
$stdList[] = [
'fullname' => 'TRAN VAN C',
'age' => 26
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<title>BT in PHP</title>
//B1. Sinh ngau nhien so N
$N = rand(1, 10);
$bookList = [];
for ($i=0; $i < $N; $i++) {
$bookList[] = [
'bookName' => 'Sach '.$i,
'authorName' => 'Tac gia '.$i,
'price' => 1000 * $i + rand(10, 2000),
'nxb' => 'NXB '.$i
// var_dump($bookList);
<table border="1" cellpadding="3" cellpadding="3">
<th>Ten Sach</th>
<th>Tac Gia</th>
<th>Gia Ban</th>
$count = 0;
foreach ($bookList as $item) {
echo '<tr>
<table border="1" cellpadding="3" cellpadding="3">
<th>Ten Sach</th>
<th>Tac Gia</th>
<th>Gia Ban</th>
$count = 0;
foreach ($bookList as $item) {
//$_GET: key & value
// var_dump($_GET);
if(isset($_GET['abc'])) {
echo $_GET['abc'];
if(isset($_GET['fullname'])) {
echo $_GET['fullname'];
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Registation Form * Form Tutorial</title>
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<div class="panel-heading">
<h2 class="text-center">Registation Form - Input User's Detail Information</h2>
<div class="panel-body">
<form method="get">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="usr">Name:</label>
<input required="true" type="text" class="form-control" id="usr" name="fullname">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="email">Email:</label>
<input required="true" type="email" class="form-control" id="email" name="email">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="birthday">Birthday:</label>
<input type="date" class="form-control" id="birthday" name="birthday">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="address">Address:</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="address" name="address">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Register</button>
Form: GET
input -> name: value
Action -> click submit button
->Build URL:
-> load URL
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