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(Dựa trên đánh giá ngày hôm nay)

Nguyễn Hữu Hiếu [community,C2108L]
Nguyễn Hữu Hiếu

2021-11-10 15:33:42

<!DOCTYPE html>
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	<title>Vincent State School</title>
	<img src="" width="150px";  align="left">
    <center><h1 style= "font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color:#6297BC">Vincent State School</h1>
	<h2 style="font-weight: bold; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 12px; color:#666666">280 Palmerston Street, Townsville, 4814</h2></center>
    <a href="home.html">Home</a> |	<a href="Infomation.html">Infomation Course</a> | 	<a href="FeeStructure.html">Fee Structure</a> | 	<a href="AdmissionProcess.html">Admission Process</a>
    <h1><b>Welcome to Vincent State School</b></h1>

	<h2><b>Welcome to Vincent State School</b></h2>
    <div> Our purpose in the community is to provide high quality learning opportunities for every student. We aim to promote and maintain a positive, safe and orderly learning environment for all students and staff</div>
        <div><b>We plan to do this through:</b></div>
        <div>*The delivery of high quality curriculum</div>
        <div>*Excellence in teaching and learning</div>
        <div>*Recognising diversity </div>
        <div>*School/Home/Community Partnerships</div>
        <div>*Valuing Positive Behaviour</div>
        <div>Information guide is an introduction to what we hope will be a very happy association for you with Vincent State School.</div> 

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<img src="" width="150px";  align="left">
    <center><h1 style= "font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color:#6297BC">Vincent State School</h1>
    <h2 style="font-weight: bold; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 12px; color:#666666">280 Palmerston Street, Townsville, 4814</h2></center>
    <a href="home.html">Home</a> |	<a href="Infomation.html">Infomation Course</a> | 	<a href="FeeStructure.html">Fee Structure</a> | 	<a href="AdmissionProcess.html">Admission Process</a>
    <div>Our distinctive curriculum offerings at Vincent SS include: Our outcomes based curriculum (5 KLAs of Science SOSE Technology The Arts and HPE) has been organised into the 4 New Basic organisers and staff have developed units and contexts that support the teaching of specific core learning outcomes appropriately across the P-7 year levels. Maths and English are taught as integrated subjects across all key learning areas. Our Literacy and Genre program consists of an oral program for P- 2 classes, a whole school spelling program Letter land for Yr P-3 classes and Spelling – A Comprehensive Program Teaching Children How to Spell for Yr 4-7 classes and an individual spelling program/folder for Yr 4 -7 classes and a structured and sequential reading skills program LOTE (Languages Other Than English) is Auslan Middle Phase of Learning Includes an elective program where by our Yr 4 –7 students participate in extra curricular activities that are of interest and high engagement teaching them social and life skills. The program runs for 6 weeks each term and some activities our students have been involved in so far have been tae kwon do, table tennis mini golf, chess, painting, jewelry making, craft, construction.</div>


<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<title>Vicent State School</title>
	<img src="" width="150px";  align="left">
    <center><h1 style= "font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color:#6297BC">Vincent State School</h1>
	<h2 style="color:#666666">280 Palmerston Street, Townsville, 4814</h2></center>
	<a href="home.html">Home</a> |	<a href="Infomation.html">Infomation Course</a> | 	<a href="FeeStructure.html">Fee Structure</a> | 	<a href="AdmissionProcess.html">Admission Process</a>
	<div>The Tuition fees for june and the first term fees must be paid before the end of May. This applies even to those who are seeking financial assistance from the school. Those in receipt of Government Concessions are promoted to the next higher class need not pay fees. 

		Fees will be paid thorugh the South Indian Bank. Fee bills will be available online which parents can print form the website and pay to the bank by cash. 
		Where possible, parents are requested to pay fees in advance for six months or a year. If the fees for the month are not paid before 10th of the month, the boy is liable to be sent home. If fees cannot be paid in time the Principal's or Vice Principal's permission must be obtained in writing. Please state in your application when you will be able to pay the fees. If the fees, are not paid within 2 months the name will be struck off the rolls. </div>


<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<title>Vicent State Schoo</title>
	<img src="" width="150px";  align="left">
    <center><h1 style= "font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color:#6297BC">Vincent State School</h1>
    <h2 style="font-weight: bold; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 12px; color:#666666">280 Palmerston Street, Townsville, 4814</h2></center>
    <a href="home.html">Home</a> |	<a href="Infomation.html">Infomation Course</a> | 	<a href="FeeStructure.html">Fee Structure</a> | 	<a href="AdmissionProcess.html">Admission Process</a>
    <div>Application forms for admission to LKG for the academic year 2012-13 will be available in the last week of February 2012 on school website Admission for any other classes please enquire in the first week of May 2012</div>


Cao Thái Tuân [community,C2108L]
Cao Thái Tuân

2021-11-10 14:46:14


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    <title>Vincent State School</title>
    <img style="padding-left:0%; width: 200px; height: 100px" src="" alt="IMG school">

    <center style="padding-top: 0%;">
        <h1 style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #6297BC;padding-bottom: 0% ;">Vincent State School</h1>
        <h2 style="color: #666666;font-weight:bold;font-family:tahoma;font-size:12px">280 Palmerston Street, Townsville, 4814</h2>
    <a href="Home.html "; target="_blank">Home</a> ||

    <a href="information.html";target="_blank"> Information Course </a> ||

    <a href="fee.html" ;target="_blank">Fee Structure</a> ||

    <a href="admission.html";target="_blank">Admission Process</a> ||

        Application forms for admission to LKG for the academic year 2012-13 will be available in the last week of February 2012 on school website Admission for any other classes please enquire in the first week of May 2012




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    <title>Vincent State School</title>
    <img style="padding-left:0%; width: 200px; height: 100px" src="" alt="IMG school">

    <center style="padding-top: 0%;">
        <h1 style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #6297BC;padding-bottom: 0% ;">Vincent State School</h1>
        <h2 style="color: #666666;font-weight:bold;font-family:tahoma;font-size:12px">280 Palmerston Street, Townsville, 4814</h2>
    <a href="Home.html "; target="_blank">Home</a> ||

    <a href="information.html";target="_blank"> Information Course </a> ||

    <a href="fee.html" ;target="_blank">Fee Structure</a> ||

    <a href="admission.html";target="_blank">Admission Process</a> ||


    <h3> PRIMARY</h3>
        The Tuition fees for june and the first term fees must be paid before the end of May. This applies even to those who are seeking financial assistance from the school. Those in receipt of Government Concessions are promoted to the next higher class need not pay fees. 
        Fees will be paid thorugh the South Indian Bank. Fee bills will be available online which parents can print form the website and pay to the bank by cash. 
        Where possible, parents are requested to pay fees in advance for six months or a year. If the fees for the month are not paid before 10th of the month, the boy is liable to be sent home. If fees cannot be paid in time the Principal's or Vice Principal's permission must be obtained in writing. Please state in your application when you will be able to pay the fees. If the fees, are not paid within 2 months the name will be struck off the rolls.  





<!DOCTYPE html>
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    <title>Vincent State School</title>
    <img style="padding-left:0%; width: 200px; height: 100px" src="" alt="IMG school">

    <center style="padding-top: 0%;">
    <h1 style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #6297BC;padding-bottom: 0% ;">Vincent State School</h1>

    <h2 style="color: #666666;font-weight:bold;font-family:tahoma;font-size:12px">280 Palmerston Street, Townsville, 4814</h2>
    <a href="Home.html "; target="_blank">Home</a> ||

    <a href="information.html"; target="_blank"> Information Course </a> ||

    <a href="fee.html" ; target="_blank">Fee Structure</a> ||

    <a href="admission.html";target="_blank">Admission Process</a> ||

    <h3> Wellcome to Vincent State School</h3>
    <h4> Wellcome to Vincent State School </h4>
    <p>Our purpose in the community is to provide high quality learning opportunities for every student. We aim to promote and maintain a positive, safe and orderly learning environment for all students and staff</p>
    <p><b>We plant to do this thourgh</b></p>
        <li>The delivery of high quality curriculum</li>
        <li>Excellence in teaching and learning</li>
        <li>Recognising diversity </li>
        <li>School/Home/Community Partnerships</li>
        <li>aluing Positive Behaviour</li>
        This information guide is an introduction to what we hope will be a very happy association for you with Vincent State School. 






<!DOCTYPE html>
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    <title>Vincent State School</title>
    <img style="padding-left:0%; width: 200px; height: 100px" src="" alt="IMG school">

    <center style="padding-top: 0%;">
        <h1 style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #6297BC;padding-bottom: 0% ;">Vincent State School</h1>
        <h2 style="color: #666666;font-weight:bold;font-family:tahoma;font-size:12px">280 Palmerston Street, Townsville, 4814</h2>
    <a href="Home.html "; target="_blank">Home</a> ||

    <a href="information.html";target="_blank"> Information Course </a> ||

    <a href="fee.html" ;target="_blank">Fee Structure</a> ||

    <a href="admission.html";target="_blank">Admission Process</a> ||

            Our distinctive curriculum offerings at Vincent SS include: Our outcomes based curriculum (5 KLAs of Science SOSE Technology The Arts and HPE) has been organised into the 4 New Basic organisers and staff have developed units and contexts that support the teaching of specific core learning outcomes appropriately across the P-7 year levels. Maths and English are taught as integrated subjects across all key learning areas. Our Literacy and Genre program consists of an oral program for P- 2 classes, a whole school spelling program Letter land for Yr P-3 classes and Spelling – A Comprehensive Program Teaching Children How to Spell for Yr 4-7 classes and an individual spelling program/folder for Yr 4 -7 classes and a structured and sequential reading skills program LOTE (Languages Other Than English) is Auslan Middle Phase of Learning Includes an elective program where by our Yr 4 –7 students participate in extra curricular activities that are of interest and high engagement teaching them social and life skills. The program runs for 6 weeks each term and some activities our students have been involved in so far have been tae kwon do, table tennis mini golf, chess, painting, jewelry making, craft, construction.




Trần Minh Tú [community,C2108L]
Trần Minh Tú

2021-11-10 14:30:34


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
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    <title>Vincent State School</title>
    <div style="display: flex;">
            <img src="" style="width: 120px;align-left;" alt="LOGO">
        <div style="margin-left: 70px;">
            <h1 style="color:#6297BC; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Vincent State School</h1>
            <h2 style="color: #666666; font-weight: bold; font-family: tahoma;font-size: 12px; margin-left: 40px;">280 Palmerston Street, Townsville, 4814</h2>
        <a href="home.html" target="_blank">Home </a>
        <a href="infomation.html" target="_blank">Infomation Course</a>
        <a href="fee.html" target="_blank">Fee Structure</a>
        <a href="admission.html" target="_blank">Admission Process</a>
<p>Application forms for admission to LKG for the academic year 2012-13 will be available in the last week of February 2012 on school website . Admission for any other classes please enquire in the first week of May 2012</p>


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
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    <title>Vincent State School</title>
    <div style="display: flex;">
            <img src="" style="width: 120px;align-left;" alt="LOGO">
        <div style="margin-left: 70px;">
            <h1 style="color:#6297BC; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Vincent State School</h1>
            <h2 style="color: #666666; font-weight: bold; font-family: tahoma;font-size: 12px; margin-left: 40px;">280 Palmerston Street, Townsville, 4814</h2>
        <a href="home.html" target="_blank">Home </a>
        <a href="infomation.html" target="_blank">Infomation Course</a>
        <a href="fee.html" target="_blank">Fee Structure</a>
        <a href="admission.html" target="_blank">Admission Process</a>
<p>The Tuition fees for june and the first term fees must be paid before the end of May . This applies even to those who are seeking financial assistance from the school . Those in receipt of Government Concessions are promoted to the next higher class need not pay fees.</p>
<p>Fees will be paid thorugh the South Indian Bank . Fee bills will be available online which parents can print form the website and pay to the bank by cash.</p>
<p>Where possible , parents are requested to pay fees in advance for six months or a year . If the fees for the month are not paid before 10th of the month , the boy is liable to be sent home . If fees cannot be paid in time the Principal's or Vice Principal's permission must be obtained in writing . Please state in your application when you will be able to pay the fees . If the fees , are not paid within 2 months the name will be struck off the rolls.</p>


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    <title>Vincent State School</title>
    <div style="display: flex;">
            <img src="" style="width: 120px;align-left;" alt="LOGO">
        <div style="margin-left: 70px;">
            <h1 style="color:#6297BC; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Vincent State School</h1>
            <h2 style="color: #666666; font-weight: bold; font-family: tahoma;font-size: 12px; margin-left: 40px;">280 Palmerston Street, Townsville, 4814</h2>
        <a href="home.html" target="_blank">Home </a>
        <a href="infomation.html" target="_blank">Infomation Course</a>
        <a href="fee.html" target="_blank">Fee Structure</a>
        <a href="admission.html" target="_blank">Admission Process</a>
<h2>Welcome to Vincent State School.</h2>
<h3>Welcome to Vincent State School.</h3>
<p>Our purpose in the community is to provide high quality learning opportunities for every student . We aim to promote and maintain a positive , safe and orderly learning environment for all students and staff</p>
<h3>We plan to do this through:</h3>
<ol style="list-style-type: square;">
    <li>The delivery of high quality curriculum</li>
    <li>Excellence in teaching and learning</li>
    <li>Recognising diversity</li>
    <li>School / Home / Community Partnerships</li>
    <li>Valuing Positive Behaviour</li>
<p>This information guide is an introduction to what we hope will be a very happy association for you with Vincent State School</p>



Welcome to Vincent State School.
Welcome to Vincent State School
Our purpose in the community is to provide high quality learning opportunities for every student . We aim to promote and maintain a positive , safe and orderly learning environment for all students and staff
We plan to do this through:
* The delivery of high quality curriculum 
* Excellence in teaching and learning 
* Recognising diversity 
* School / Home / Community Partnerships 
* Valuing Positive Behaviour 
This information guide is an introduction to what we hope will be a very happy association for you with Vincent State School.


Our distinctive curriculum offerings at Vincent SS include : Our outcomes based curriculum ( 5 KLAs of Science SOSE Technology The Arts and HPE ) has been organised into the 4 New Basic organisers and staff have developed units and contexts that support the teaching of specific core learning outcomes appropriately across the P - 7 year levels . Maths and English are taught as integrated subjects across all key learning areas . Our Literacy and Genre program consists of an oral program for P- 2 classes , a whole school spelling program Letter land for Yr P - 3 classes and Spelling - A Comprehensive Program Teaching Children How to Spell for Yr 4-7 classes and an individual spelling program / folder for Yr 4 -7 classes and a structured and sequential reading skills program LOTE ( Languages Other Than English ) is Auslan Middle Phase of Learning Includes an elective program where by our Yr 4-7 students participate in extra curricular activities that are of interest and high engagement teaching them social and life skills . The program runs for 6 weeks each term and some activities our students have been involved in so far have been tae kwon do , table tennis mini golf , chess , painting , jewelry making , craft , construction .


The Tuition fees for june and the first term fees must be paid before the end of May . This applies even to those who are seeking financial assistance from the school . Those in receipt of Government Concessions are promoted to the next higher class need not pay fees .
Fees will be paid thorugh the South Indian Bank . Fee bills will be available online which parents can print form the website and pay to the bank by cash .
Where possible , parents are requested to pay fees in advance for six months or a year . If the fees for the month are not paid before 10th of the month , the boy is liable to be sent home . If fees cannot be paid in time the Principal's or Vice Principal's permission must be obtained in writing . Please state in your application when you will be able to pay the fees . If the fees , are not paid within 2 months the name will be struck off the rolls .

Application forms for admission to LKG for the academic year 2012-13 will be available in the last week of February 2012 on school website . Admission for any other classes please enquire in the first week of May 2012


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Vincent State School</title>
    <div style="display: flex;">
            <img src="" style="width: 120px;align-left;" alt="LOGO">
        <div style="margin-left: 70px;">
            <h1 style="color:#6297BC; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Vincent State School</h1>
            <h2 style="color: #666666; font-weight: bold; font-family: tahoma;font-size: 12px; margin-left: 40px;">280 Palmerston Street, Townsville, 4814</h2>
        <a href="home.html" target="_blank">Home </a>
        <a href="infomation.html" target="_blank">Infomation Course</a>
        <a href="fee.html" target="_blank">Fee Structure</a>
        <a href="admission.html" target="_blank">Admission Process</a>
<p>Our distinctive curriculum offerings at Vincent SS include : Our outcomes based curriculum ( 5 KLAs of Science SOSE Technology The Arts and HPE ) has been organised into the 4 New Basic organisers and staff have developed units and contexts that support the teaching of specific core learning outcomes appropriately across the P - 7 year levels . Maths and English are taught as integrated subjects across all key learning areas . Our Literacy and Genre program consists of an oral program for P- 2 classes , a whole school spelling program Letter land for Yr P - 3 classes and Spelling - A Comprehensive Program Teaching Children How to Spell for Yr 4-7 classes and an individual spelling program / folder for Yr 4 -7 classes and a structured and sequential reading skills program LOTE ( Languages Other Than English ) is Auslan Middle Phase of Learning Includes an elective program where by our Yr 4-7 students participate in extra curricular activities that are of interest and high engagement teaching them social and life skills . The program runs for 6 weeks each term and some activities our students have been involved in so far have been tae kwon do , table tennis mini golf , chess , painting , jewelry making , craft , construction .</p>

Nguyễn Quốc Việt [community,C2108L]
Nguyễn Quốc Việt

2021-11-10 14:08:28

Nguyễn Quốc Việt [community,C2108L]
Nguyễn Quốc Việt

2021-11-10 13:50:18

Vũ Ngọc Văn [community,C2010L]
Vũ Ngọc Văn

2021-01-30 13:09:22

Nguyễn Đông Dương [community,C2010L]
Nguyễn Đông Dương

2021-01-28 14:35:22

Cao Tuấn Minh [community,C2010L]
Cao Tuấn Minh

2021-01-28 09:43:03

Cao Tuấn Minh [community,C2010L]
Cao Tuấn Minh

2021-01-28 09:41:37


<!DOCTYPE html>
	<img src = "schoollogo.png" width = "100px"; align = "left">	
		<h1 style="color: #6297BC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Vincent State School</h1>
		<h2 style="color: #666666; font-weight:bold; font-family:tahoma; font-size:12px">28 Panmerston Street, Townsville, 4814 </h2>
		  <a style="float: left;" href="home.html">Home |</a>
		  <a href="information.html">Information Course |</a>
		  <a href="fee.html">Fee Structure |</a>
		  <a href="admission.html">Admission Process</a>

		Application forms for admission to LKG for the academic year 2012-13 will be available in the last week of February 2012 on school website Admission for any other classes please enquire in the first week of May 2012.


<!DOCTYPE html>
	<img src = "schoollogo.png" width = "100px"; align = "left">	
		<h1 style="color: #6297BC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Vincent State School</h1>
		<h2 style="color: #666666; font-weight:bold; font-family:tahoma; font-size:12px">28 Panmerston Street, Townsville, 4814 </h2>
		  <a style="float: left;" href="home.html">Home |</a>
		  <a href="information.html">Information Course |</a>
		  <a href="fee.html">Fee Structure |</a>
		  <a href="admission.html">Admission Process</a>

		The Tuition fees for june and the first term fees must be paid before the end of May. This applies even to those who are seeking financial assistance from the school. Those in receipt of Government Concessions are promoted to the next higher class need not pay fees. 
		Fees will be paid thorugh the South Indian Bank. Fee bills will be available online which parents can print form the website and pay to the bank by cash. 
		Where possible, parents are requested to pay fees in advance for six months or a year. If the fees for the month are not paid before 10th of the month, the boy is liable to be sent home. If fees cannot be paid in time the Principal's or Vice Principal's permission must be obtained in writing. Please state in your application when you will be able to pay the fees. If the fees, are not paid within 2 months the name will be struck off the rolls.


<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>Vincent State School</title>
	<img src = "schoollogo.png" width = "100px"; align = "left">	
		<h1 style="color: #6297BC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Vincent State School</h1>
		<h2 style="color: #666666; font-weight:bold; font-family:tahoma; font-size:12px">28 Panmerston Street, Townsville, 4814 </h2>
		  <a style="float: left;" href="home.html">Home |</a>
		  <a href="information.html">Information Course |</a>
		  <a href="fee.html">Fee Structure |</a>
		  <a href="admission.html">Admission Process</a>

	<h1 style="font-size: 20px;">Welcome to Vincent State School.</h1>

	<h2 style="font-size: 16px;">Welcome to Vincent State School</h2>

	<p>Our purpose in the community is to provide high quality learning opportunities for every student. We aim to promote and maintain a positive, safe and orderly learning environment for all students and staff</p>

<h2 style="font-size: 16px;">We plan to do this through:</h2>

	<ul>*The delivery of high quality curriculum</ul>

	<ul>*Excellence in teaching and learning</ul>

	<ul>*Recognising diversity</ul> 

	<ul>*School/Home/Community Partnerships</ul>

	<ul>*Valuing Positive Behaviour</ul>
	<p>This information guide is an introduction to what we hope will be a very happy association for you with Vincent State School.</p>


<!DOCTYPE html>
	<img src = "schoollogo.png" width = "100px"; align = "left">	
		<h1 style="color: #6297BC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Vincent State School</h1>
		<h2 style="color: #666666; font-weight:bold; font-family:tahoma; font-size:12px">28 Panmerston Street, Townsville, 4814 </h2>
		  <a style="float: left;" href="home.html">Home |</a>
		  <a href="information.html">Information Course |</a>
		  <a href="fee.html">Fee Structure |</a>
		  <a href="admission.html">Admission Process</a>

			Our distinctive curriculum offerings at Vincent SS include: Our outcomes based curriculum (5 KLAs of Science SOSE Technology The Arts and HPE) has been organised into the 4 New Basic organisers and staff have developed units and contexts that support the teaching of specific core learning outcomes appropriately across the P-7 year levels. Maths and English are taught as integrated subjects across all key learning areas. Our Literacy and Genre program consists of an oral program for P- 2 classes, a whole school spelling program Letter land for Yr P-3 classes and Spelling – A Comprehensive Program Teaching Children How to Spell for Yr 4-7 classes and an individual spelling program/folder for Yr 4 -7 classes and a structured and sequential reading skills program LOTE (Languages Other Than English) is Auslan Middle Phase of Learning Includes an elective program where by our Yr 4 –7 students participate in extra curricular activities that are of interest and high engagement teaching them social and life skills. The program runs for 6 weeks each term and some activities our students have been involved in so far have been tae kwon do, table tennis mini golf, chess, painting, jewelry making, craft, construction.


Lê Sĩ Tuyển [community,C2009I]
Lê Sĩ Tuyển

2020-12-05 06:38:02
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				<h1>Vicent State School</h1>
			<div class="address">
				280 Palmerston Street,Townsville,4814
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		<a href="VicentStateSchool.html">Home</a>
		<a href="home.html" id="a1">Information Course</a> 
		<a href="free.html" id="a2">Free Structure</a> 
		<a href="admission.html" id="a3">Admission Process</a> 
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		<h3>Welcome to Vicent State School</h3>
		<h4>Welcome to Vicent State School</h4>
			Our purpose in the community is to provide hight quality learning opportunities fpr every student.We aim to promote and maintain a positive, sge and order learning environment for all student and staff
			<b>We plant to do this through:</b>
					The delivery of high quality curriculum
					Excellence in teaching and learning
					Recognising diversity
					School Home Community Partnerships
					Valuning Positive Behaviour

			This information guide is an introduction to what we hope will be avery happy association for you with Vicent State School.


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				<h1>Vicent State School</h1>
			<div class="address">
				280 Palmerston Street,Townsville,4814
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		<a href="VicentStateSchool.html">Home</a>
		<a href="home.html" id="a1">Information Course</a> 
		<a href="free.html" id="a2">Free Structure</a> 
		<a href="admission.html" id="a3">Admission Process</a> 
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			Our distinctive curriculum offerings at Vincent SS include: Our outcomes based curriculum (5 KLAs of Science SOSE Technology The Arts and HPE) has been organised into the 4 New Basic organisers and staff have developed units and contexts that support the teaching of specific core learning outcomes appropriately across the P-7 year levels. Maths and English are taught as integrated subjects across all key learning areas. Our Literacy and Genre program consists of an oral program for P- 2 classes, a whole school spelling program Letter land for Yr P-3 classes and Spelling – A Comprehensive Program Teaching Children How to Spell for Yr 4-7 classes and an individual spelling program/folder for Yr 4 -7 classes and a structured and sequential reading skills program LOTE (Languages Other Than English) is Auslan Middle Phase of Learning Includes an elective program where by our Yr 4 –7 students participate in extra curricular activities that are of interest and high engagement teaching them social and life skills. The program runs for 6 weeks each term and some activities our students have been involved in so far have been tae kwon do, table tennis mini golf, chess, painting, jewelry making, craft, construction.


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				<h1>Vicent State School</h1>
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				280 Palmerston Street,Townsville,4814
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		<a href="home.html" id="a1">Information Course</a> 
		<a href="free.html" id="a2">Free Structure</a> 
		<a href="admission.html" id="a3">Admission Process</a> 
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			Application forms for admission to LKG for the academic year 2012-13 will be available in the last week of February 2012 on school website Admission for any other classes please enquire in the first week of May 2012.


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				<h1>Vicent State School</h1>
			<div class="address">
				280 Palmerston Street,Townsville,4814
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		<a href="VicentStateSchool.html">Home</a>
		<a href="home.html" id="a1">Information Course</a> 
		<a href="free.html" id="a2">Free Structure</a> 
		<a href="admission.html" id="a3">Admission Process</a> 
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			The Tuition fees for june and the first term fees must be paid before the end of May. This applies even to those who are seeking financial assistance from the school. Those in receipt of Government Concessions are promoted to the next higher class need not pay fees. 

			Fees will be paid thorugh the South Indian Bank. Fee bills will be available online which parents can print form the website and pay to the bank by cash. 

			Where possible, parents are requested to pay fees in advance for six months or a year. If the fees for the month are not paid before 10th of the month, the boy is liable to be sent home. If fees cannot be paid in time the Principal's or Vice Principal's permission must be obtained in writing. Please state in your application when you will be able to pay the fees. If the fees, are not paid within 2 months the name will be struck off the rolls. 


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