Bài tập - Thiết kế CSDL quản lý sở thú - SQL Server
Xây dựng CSDL phục vụ cho sở thú gồm các bảng như sau
1. Bảng Room (Thông tin từng chuồng trong sở thú)
- id: kiểu dữ liệu int
- name: nvarchar(20)
- max: int -> số lượng động vật tối đa
2. Thông tin động vật (Animal)
- id: int
- name: nvarchar(50)
- age: int -> tuổi của động vật
- buy_at: datetime -> ngày mua động vật vể sở thú
- room_id: int -> mã chuồng đang nuôi động vật
3. Loại thức ăn (FoodType)
- id: int
- name: nvarchar(50)
- price: float -> giá tiền / 1 kg hoặc item của sản phẩm
- amount: float -> số lượng còn lại trong sở thú
4. Quản lý thức ăn (FoodAnimal)
- food_id: int
- animal_id: int
Yêu cầu:
1. Tạo bảng trên
2. Tạo primary key & foreign key cho từng bảng -> Không tạo trong câu lệnh create table
3. Thêm mỗi bảng 5 bản ghi dữ liệu
4. Xem thông tin động vật gồm các trường sau: tên chuồng, tên động vật, tuổi, ngày mua về
5. Xem thông tin những chuồng có số động vật đang lưu vượt quá max của chuồng đó
6. Xem thông tin những chuồng còn so khả năng lưu thêm động vật vào
7. Viết proc có tham số là @animalId -> cho phép xem được thông tin loại thức ăn của động vật này.
Phản hồi từ học viên
(Dựa trên đánh giá ngày hôm nay)
![Võ Như Việt [C2010L]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/fb93c99beb23339eb21f4d4ffe8981af.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
Võ Như Việt
2021-04-20 10:20:57
create database CSDL_Quan_Ly_So_Thu
use CSDL_Quan_Ly_So_Thu
-- tao bang ROOm--
create table Room(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(20),
max int
-- tao bang Animal--
create table Animal(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(50),
age int,
buy_at datetime,
room_id int,
constraint fk_room_id foreign key (room_id) references Room(id)
-- tao bang loai Food--
create table FoodType(
id int primary key,
name nvarchar(50),
price float,
amount float
-- tao bang FoodAnimal--
create table FoodAnimal(
food_id int,
animal_id int
primary key( food_id, animal_id)
constraint fk_food_id foreign key (food_id) references FoodType(id),
constraint fk_animal_id foreign key (animal_id) references Animal(id)
--2. da tao nhu tren--
--3. them 5 ban ghi moi Bang--
insert into Room(name,max)
('Chuong 1', 20),
('Chuong 2', 10),
('Chuong 3',15),
('Chuong 4',25),
('Chuong 5',30)
select * from Room
insert into Animal(name,age,buy_at,room_id)
('Su Tu',12,'2021-4-5',3),
('Ngua Van',14,'2021-4-5',4),
('Huou Cao Co',15,'2021-4-5',2)
select * from Animal
insert into FoodType(id,name,price,amount)
(1,'Co 4 la',10000,11),
(2,'Thit Heo',50000,12),
(3,'Co 5 la',40000,13),
(4,'Co luck luck',20000,14),
(5,'Co Cao Co',30000,15)
insert into FoodAnimal(food_id,animal_id)
--xem cac du lieu--
select * from Room
select * from Animal
select * from FoodType
select * from FoodAnimal
--4. xem thong tin gom cac Truong : ten chuong, ten dong vat, tuoi, ngay mua ve
select Room.name 'Ten Chuong' , Animal.name'Ten Dong Vat',Animal.age'Tuoi',Animal.buy_at'Ngay Mua Ve'
from Room,Animal
where Room.id = Animal.room_id
--5. Xem Thông tin những chuồng có số động vật đang lưu vượt quá max của chuồng--
select Room.name 'Ten Chuong', Room.name'Ten Chuong', count(Animal.room_id) 'So Luong Chuong'
from Room,Animal
where Room.id = Animal.id
group by Room.id, Room.name
having count(Animal.room_id) > 2
--6.Xem Thông tin những chuồng con co kha nang luu them dong vat--
select Room.name 'Ten Chuong', Room.name'Ten Chuong', count(Animal.room_id) 'So Luong Chuong'
from Room,Animal
where Room.id = Animal.id
group by Room.id, Room.name
having count(Animal.room_id) < 30
--7.Viet proc cho phep xem thong tin loai thuc an cua dong vat--
create proc Proc_FoodAnimal_check
@animalld int
select Animal.name,Animal.age,FoodType.name,Animal.id
from Animal,FoodType,FoodAnimal
where Animal.id = FoodAnimal.animal_id
and FoodAnimal.food_id = FoodType.id
and Animal.id =@animalld
exec Proc_FoodAnimal_check 3
--8 .trigger --
create trigger trigger_inteadOfDelete_FoodType on FoodType
instead of delete
delete from FoodAnimal where food_id in (select id from deleted)
delete from FoodType where id in (select id from deleted)
delete from FoodType where id = 1
![hieuvm0512 [community,C2010L]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0cacbf21fed14b987a433597d2edc14f.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
2021-04-18 10:23:50
create database zootopia
use zootopia
create table Room
ID int primary key identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(25),
chuong int,
check (chuong<10)
create table Animal
ID int primary key identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(50),
age int,
buy_at datetime,
room_id int
create table FoodType
ID int primary key identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(50),
price float,
amount float
create table FoodAnimal
food_id int not null,
animal_id int not null
drop table FoodAnimal
alter table Animal
add constraint FK_RID foreign key(room_id) references Room(ID)
alter table FoodAnimal
add constraint PK_A Primary key(food_id,animal_id)
alter table FoodAnimal
add constraint FK_Food foreign key(food_id) references FoodType(ID)
insert into Room(name,chuong)
('Chuong cho',9),
('Chuong bo',2),
('Chuong lon',5),
('Chuong ga',9),
('Chuong ngua',4)
insert into Animal(name,age,buy_at,room_id)
('Corgi',5,'2021-01-05 18:00:00',1),
('Belge',8,'2021-02-05 17:30:00',1),
('Doberman',2,'2021-02-05 15:25:00',1),
('MooMoo',10,'2021-03-05 07:00:00',2),
('COWard',11,'2021-03-06 08:00:00',2),
('Peppa',2,'2021-01-09 19:00:00',3),
('Egypt',5,'2021-03-05 14:00:00',4),
('Big Black Cock',1,'2021-01-06 06:00:00',4),
('EggMachine',1,'2021-01-06 09:00:00',4),
('Al',12,'2021-01-18 16:00:00',5)
insert into FoodType(name,price,amount)
insert into FoodAnimal(food_id,animal_id)
drop table FoodAnimal
select *from Animal
alter table FoodAnimal
add constraint FK_Fad foreign key(animal_id) references Animal(ID)
select Room.name 'Ten chuong', Animal.name 'Ten Dong Vat', Animal.age 'Tuoi', Animal.buy_at 'Ngay mua'
from Animal,Room
where Room.ID=Animal.room_id
select Room.ID 'Ma Chuong', Room.name 'Ten chuong', Count(Animal.room_id) 'So luong'
from Animal,Room
where Room.ID=Animal.room_id
group by Room.name,Room.ID
Having Count(Animal.room_id)>2
select Room.ID 'Ma Chuong', Room.name 'Ten chuong', Count(Animal.room_id) 'So luong'
from Animal,Room
where Room.ID=Animal.room_id
group by Room.name,Room.ID
Having Count(Animal.room_id)<10
create proc LTA
@animalid int
select Animal.name 'Ten Vat Nuoi', FoodType.name 'Loai Thuc An'
from Animal,FoodAnimal,FoodType
where Animal.ID = FoodAnimal.animal_id
and FoodType.ID = FoodAnimal.food_id
and @animalid = FoodAnimal.animal_id
exec LTA 7
drop proc LTA
create trigger Xoa_Food on FoodType
instead of delete
delete from FoodAnimal where food_id in (select id from deleted)
delete from FoodType where ID in (select id from deleted)
drop trigger Xoa_Food
delete from FoodType
where ID = 1
select*from Animal
Select*from Room
Select*from FoodType
Select*from FoodAnimal
![Vũ Ngọc Văn [community,C2010L]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3bec4690245af20ea34f68305e3e24b1.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
Vũ Ngọc Văn
2021-04-18 07:45:10
create database db0417_QLsoThu
use db0417_QLsoThu
create table Room (
id int not null,
name nvarchar(20),
max int
create table Animal (
id int not null,
name nvarchar(50),
age int,
buy_at datetime,
room_id int
create table FoodType (
id int not null,
name nvarchar(50),
price float,
amount float
create table FoodAnimal (
food_id int not null,
animal_id int not null
alter table Room
add primary key (id)
alter table Animal
add primary key (id)
alter table FoodType
add primary key (id)
alter table FoodAnimal
add primary key (food_id, animal_id)
alter table Animal
add foreign key (room_id) references Room(id)
alter table FoodAnimal
add foreign key (food_id) references FoodType(id)
alter table FoodAnimal
add foreign key (animal_id) references Animal(id)
insert into Room
(1, 'Chuong 1', 5),
(2, 'Chuong 2', 1),
(3, 'Chuong 3', 10),
(4, 'Chuong 4', 12),
(5, 'Chuong 5', 21)
insert into FoodType
(21, 'Thit bo', 100000, 50),
(22, 'Thit lon', 50000, 100),
(23, 'Thit ga', 70000, 75),
(24, 'Tao', 50000, 150),
(25, 'Co', 5000, 250)
insert into Animal
(31, 'Ho cai', 3, '2021-01-01 08:00:00', 2),
(32, 'Ho duc', 5, '2021-03-12 08:35:00', 2),
(33, 'Da dieu', 6, '2021-04-01 08:00:00', 3),
(34, 'Huou', 4, '2021-04-10 16:00:00', 5),
(35, 'Su tu cai', 1, '2021-04-15 08:00:00', 4)
insert into FoodAnimal
(21, 31),
(23, 32),
(24, 33),
(25, 34),
(22, 35)
select Room.id 'IdChuong', Room.name 'TenChuong', Animal.name 'TenDongVat', Animal.age 'Tuoi', Animal.buy_at 'NgayMuaVe'
from Room join Animal on Room.id = Animal.room_id
order by Room.id
select Room.*, count(Animal.room_id) 'SoLuongCan', count(Animal.room_id) - Room.max 'SoLuongConThieu'
from Room join Animal on Room.id = Animal.room_id
group by Room.id, Room.name, Room.max
having count(Animal.room_id) > Room.max
select Room.*, count(Animal.room_id) 'SoLuongCan', Room.max - count(Animal.room_id) 'SoLuongConThua'
from Room join Animal on Room.id = Animal.room_id
group by Room.id, Room.name, Room.max
having count(Animal.room_id) < Room.max
create proc proc_view_foodType @animalID int
select Animal.id 'Animal_ID', Animal.name 'Animal_Name', FoodType.*
from FoodType join FoodAnimal on FoodType.id = FoodAnimal.food_id
join Animal on FoodAnimal.animal_id = Animal.id
where Animal.id = @animalID
exec proc_view_foodType '34'
create trigger delete_in_FoodType on FoodType
instead of delete
delete from FoodAnimal where food_id in (select id from deleted)
delete from FoodType where id in (select id from deleted)
select * from FoodType
delete from FoodType where id = 23
select * from FoodAnimal
![Cao Tuấn Minh [community,C2010L]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cd09dd9df2e38aac8a3f6f573ad1ba5e.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
Cao Tuấn Minh
2021-04-17 14:17:48
create table Room (
RoomID int identity(1,1),
RoomName nvarchar(20),
Max int
create table Animal (
AnimalID int identity(1,1),
AnimalName nvarchar(50),
AnimalAge int,
BuyDate datetime,
RoomID int
create table FoodType (
FoodID int identity(1,1),
FoodName nvarchar(50),
Price float,
Amount float
create table FoodManagement (
FoodID int,
AnimalID int
alter table Room
add primary key (RoomID);
alter table Animal
add primary key (AnimalID);
alter table FoodType
add primary key (FoodID);
alter table Animal
add foreign key (RoomID) references Room(RoomID);
alter table FoodManagement
add foreign key (FoodID) references FoodType(FoodID);
alter table FoodManagement
add foreign key (AnimalID) references Animal(AnimalID);
insert into Room(RoomName, Max)
('Room A', 20),
('Room B', 40),
('Room C', 15),
('Room D', 35),
('Room E', 10)
select* from Room
select* from Animal
select* from FoodType
select* from FoodManagement
insert into Animal(AnimalName, AnimalAge, BuyDate, RoomID)
('Monkey', 4, '2020-10-10', 4),
('Cheetah', 6, '2020-11-20', 1),
('Flamingo', 1, '2020-04-18', 2),
('Rhino', 7, '2020-10-07', 5),
('Giraffe', 2, '2020-05-30', 3)
insert into FoodType(FoodName, Price, Amount)
('Banana', 4000000.500, 20),
('Meat', 2000000.500, 44),
('Seed', 100000.500, 22),
('Rats', 5000000.500, 40),
('Herbs', 500000.500, 35)
insert into FoodManagement(FoodID, AnimalID)
(1, 1),
(2, 2),
(3, 3),
(4, 4),
(5, 5)
select Room.RoomName, Animal.AnimalName, Animal.AnimalAge, Animal.BuyDate
from Room, Animal
where Animal.RoomID = Room.RoomID
create proc Procedure_Check_FoodType
@animalID int
select Animal.AnimalName, FoodType.FoodName, FoodType.Price, FoodType.Amount
from Animal, FoodType, FoodManagement
where Animal.AnimalID = FoodManagement.AnimalID
and FoodManagement.FoodID = FoodType.FoodID
and Animal.AnimalID = @animalID
exec Procedure_Check_FoodType 3;
create trigger Foodtype_Delete
on FoodType
instead of delete
delete from
![nguyen hoang viet [community,C2009I]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d2766fccea69cebc93358554d1a18e65.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
nguyen hoang viet
2021-03-09 09:46:42
create database QuanLySoThu
use QuanLySoThu
create table Room(
Id int not null,
Name nvarchar(20),
Max int
create table Animal(
Id int not null,
Name nvarchar(50),
Age int,
Buy_At date,
Room_Id int
create table FoodType(
Id int not null,
Name nvarchar(50),
Price float,
Amount float
create table FoodAnimal(
Food_Id int not null,
Animal_Id int not null
alter table Room
add constraint PK_Room primary key (Id)
alter table Animal
add constraint PK_Animal primary key (Id)
alter table FoodType
add constraint PK_Food_Type primary key (Id)
alter table Animal
add constraint FK_Animal foreign key (Room_Id) references Room(Id)
alter table FoodAnimal
add constraint Fk_Food_Id foreign key (Food_Id) references FoodType(Id)
alter table FoodAnimal
add constraint FK_Animal_Id foreign key (Animal_Id) references Animal(Id)
insert into Room(Id,Name,Max)
insert into Animal(Id, Name, Age,Buy_At, Room_Id)
(1, 'A', 5, '2020-10-10 10:00:00', 3),
(2, 'B', 3, '2021-03-02 11:00:00', 1),
(3, 'C', 10, '2020-12-12 05:00:00', 5),
(4, 'D', 4, '2021-02-05 16:30:00', 4),
(5, 'E', 7, '2020-05-06 18:42:06', 2)
insert into FoodType(Id, Name, Price, Amount)
(3, 'Thuc an cho', 100000, 3428),
(2, 'Thuc an meo', 200000, 584),
(1, 'Thuc an ngua', 150000, 3648),
(5, 'Thuc an ho', 250000, 8694),
(4, 'Thuc an voi', 50000, 3578)
insert into FoodAnimal(Food_Id, Animal_Id)
(1, 3),
(2, 2),
(3, 1),
(4, 5),
(5, 4)
select room.Name as RoomName, Animal.Name as AnimalName, Animal.Age, animal.Buy_At
from Room, Animal
where Animal.Room_Id = room.id
select room.Id, Room.Max, Room.Name, COUNT(Animal.Room_Id) as SoDongVat
from Animal, Room
where Animal.Room_Id = room.id
group by room.Id, Room.Max, Room.Name having COUNT(Animal.Room_Id) > max(room.Max)
select room.Id, Room.Max, Room.Name, COUNT(Animal.Room_Id) as SoDongVat
from Animal, Room
where Animal.Room_Id = room.id
group by room.Id, Room.Max, Room.Name having COUNT(Animal.Room_Id) < max(room.Max)
create proc Proc_Thong_Tin_Thuc_An
@animalId int
select * from FoodType, FoodAnimal
where FoodType.Id = FoodAnimal.Food_Id and @animalId = FoodType.Id
exec Proc_Thong_Tin_Thuc_An 4
create trigger trigger_delete_food on FoodType
instead of delete
delete from foodanimal where food_id in (select id from deleted)
delete from FoodType where id in (select id from deleted)
delete from FoodType where id = 1
![PhamHuyHoang [community,C2009I]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/11ab599a7ac1ac9ca323d94f1b18d8af.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
2021-03-09 09:45:46
create table room(
id int not null,
name nvarchar(20),
max int
create table animal(
id int not null,
name nvarchar(50),
age int,
buy_at datetime,
room_id int
create table foodtype(
id int not null,
name nvarchar(50),
price float,
amount float
create table foodanimal(
food_id int not null,
animal_id int not null
alter table room
add primary key (id)
alter table animal
add primary key (id)
alter table foodtype
add primary key (id)
alter table foodanimal
add primary key (food_id, animal_id)
alter table animal
add foreign key (room_id) references room(id)
alter table foodanimal
add foreign key (food_id) references foodtype(id)
alter table foodanimal
add foreign key (animal_id) references animal(id)
insert into room(id,name,max)
(1, 'C1', 10),
(2, 'C2', 10),
(3, 'C3', 10),
(4, 'C4', 10),
(5, 'C5', 10)
insert into animal(id,name,age,buy_at,room_id)
(1, 'ho', 4, '2020-15-10', 1),
(2, 'su tu', 2, '2020-15-10', 2),
(3, 'voi', 6, '2020-15-10', 3),
(4, 'khi', 10, '2020-15-10', 4),
(5, 'huou', 4, '2020-15-10', 5)
insert into foodtype(id, name, price, amount)
(1, 'apple', 100000, 20),
(2, 'meat', 200000, 20),
(3, 'weed', 1000000, 20),
(4, 'banana', 10000, 20),
(5, 'crack', 1000000, 20)
![Lê Trọng Nghĩa [community,C2009I]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1093e836f419101dc96b7e3f6aab4a56.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
Lê Trọng Nghĩa
2021-03-09 09:45:45
create table Room(
id int ,
name nvarchar(20),
max int
create table Animal1(
id int not null,
name nvarchar(50),
age int,
buy_at datetime,
room_id int
create table FoodType1(
id int not null,
name nvarchar(50),
price float,
amount float
create table FoodAnimal2(
food_id int not null,
animal_id int
alter table Room
add constraint Room_PK primary key (id)
alter table Animal1
add constraint Animal_PK primary key (id)
alter table FoodType1
add constraint FoodType_PK primary key (id)
alter table FoodAnimal2
add constraint FoodAnimal_PK primary key (food_id)
alter table Animal1
add constraint Animal_FoodType1_PK foreign key (id) references FoodType1 (id)
alter table Animal1
add constraint Animal_FoodAnimal2_PK foreign key (id) references FoodAnimal2 (food_id)
alter table FoodType1
add constraint FoodType1_FoodAnimal2_PK foreign key (id) references FoodAnimal2 (food_id)
alter table Room
add constraint Room_Animal1_PK foreign key (id) references Animal1 (id)
insert into Room(name, max)
insert into Animal1(id,name, age, buy_at, room_id)
(1,'Ho','3','1990-12-02', 1),
(2,'Su Tu','3','1990-12-02', 2),
(3,'Khi','3','1990-12-02', 3)
insert into FoodType1(id,name, price, amount)
(1,'thit', 20000, 10),
(2,'thit', 20000, 10),
(3,'thit', 20000, 10)
insert into FoodAnimal2(food_id, animal_id)
('1', '1'),
('2', '2'),
('3', '3')
select Room.name , Animal1.name, Animal1.age, Animal1.buy_at
from Room, Animal1
where Room.id = Animal1.id
![Trinh Huy Hung [community,C2009I]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c5cd1f25c7a1fbe45b7ee35a66ceeb6c.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
Trinh Huy Hung
2021-03-09 09:24:37
create database Zoo
use Zoo
create table Room(
id int not null,
name nvarchar(20),
max int
create table Animal(
id int not null,
name nvarchar(50),
age int ,
buy_at datetime,
room_id int
create table FoodType(
id int not null,
name nvarchar(50),
price float,
amount float
create table FoodAnimal(
food_id int not null,
animal_id int not null
alter table Room
add primary key (id)
alter table Animal
add primary key (id)
alter table FoodType
add primary key (id)
alter table FoodAnimal
add primary key (food_id, animal_id)
alter table Animal
add foreign key (room_id) references Room(id)
alter table FoodAnimal
add foreign key (food_id) references FoodType(id)
alter table FoodAnimal
add foreign key (animal_id) references Animal(id)
insert into Room(id, name, max)
(1, 'LionRoom', 4),
(2, 'PandaRoom', 6),
(3, 'TigerRoom', 3),
(4, 'ElephantRoom', 5),
(5, 'MonkeyRoom', 7)
insert into Animal(id, name, age, buy_at, room_id)
(1, 'Lion1', 6, '2015-03-02', 1),
(2, 'Tiger1', 6, '2015-03-02', 3),
(3, 'Tiger2', 5, '2016-06-04', 3),
(4, 'Tiger3', 4, '2017-03-08', 3),
(5, 'Tiger4', 4, '2017-07-02', 3),
(6, 'Elephant1', 6, '2015-03-02', 4),
(7, 'Monkey1', 6, '2015-03-02', 5),
(8, 'Panda1', 6, '2015-03-02', 2)
insert into FoodType(id, name, price, amount)
(1, 'Banana', 2000, 50),
(2, 'Blueberry', 3000, 30),
(3, 'Biscuits', 15000, 60),
(4, 'Eggs', 10000, 40),
(5, 'Meat', 50000, 20)
insert into FoodAnimal(food_id, animal_id)
(3, 7),
(1, 7),
(2, 8),
(3, 6),
(5, 1),
(5, 2),
(5, 3),
(5, 4),
(5, 5)
select Room.name, Animal.name, Animal.age, Animal.buy_at
from Room, Animal
where Room.id =Animal.room_id
select Room.name, Room.max, Count(Animal.room_id)as Amount
from Room, Animal
where Room.id =Animal.room_id
group by Room.name, Room.max
having Count(Animal.room_id) > Room.max
select Room.name, Room.max, Count(Animal.room_id)as Amount,(Room.max - Count(Animal.room_id)) as MoreAnimals
from Room, Animal
where Room.id =Animal.room_id
group by Room.name, Room.max
having Count(Animal.room_id) < Room.max
create proc proc_FoodAnimal
@animalId int
select Animal.name,FoodType.name, FoodType.price, FoodType.amount
from Animal, FoodType, FoodAnimal
where FoodAnimal.food_id=FoodType.id and FoodAnimal.animal_id=Animal.id and Animal.id = @animalId
exec proc_FoodAnimal 7
create trigger trigger_insteadof_foodtype on FoodType
instead of delete
delete from FoodAnimal where food_id in (select id from deleted)
delete from FoodType where id in (select id from deleted)
![Vũ Trung Kiên [C2009I]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/abf994de48c0204239812f8d9a7dcf8c.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
Vũ Trung Kiên
2021-03-09 08:54:12
create database QuanLySoThu
use QuanLySoThu
create table Room (
id int not null,
name nvarchar(20) not null,
max int not null
create table Animal (
id int not null,
name nvarchar(50) not null,
age int not null,
buy_at datetime not null,
room_id int not null
create table FoodType (
id int not null,
price float not null,
amount float not null
create table FoodAnimal (
food_id int not null,
animal_id int not null
alter table Room
add constraint Room_PK primary key (id)
alter table Animal
add constraint Animal_PK primary key (id)
alter table FoodAnimal
add constraint FoodAnimal_PK primary key (food_id)
alter table FoodType
add constraint FoodType_PK primary key (id)
alter table FoodType
add constraint FoodType_FoodAnimal_FK foreign key (id) references FoodAnimal (food_id)
alter table FoodAnimal
add constraint FoodAnimal_Animal_FK foreign key (food_id) references Animal (id)
alter table Animal
add constraint Animal_Room_FK foreign key (room_id) references Room (id)
insert into Room(id, name, max)
(1, 'Chuong1', 17),
(2, 'Chuong2', 10),
(3, 'Chuong3', 21),
(4, 'Chuong4', 20),
(5, 'Chuong5', 15)
insert into Animal(id, name, age, buy_at, room_id)
(1, 'Voi', 5, '2020-12-15', 2),
(2, 'Khi', 4, '2021-02-25', 2),
(3, 'Cao', 9, '2015-02-15', 5),
(4, 'Rua', 10, '2014-01-15', 3),
(5, 'Chuot', 6, '2021-12-05', 1),
(6, 'Vuon', 1, '2020-02-25', 2),
(7, 'Than Lan', 14, '2011-02-25', 2),
(8, 'Cho', 4, '2016-05-25', 2),
(9, 'Soi', 6, '2021-05-25', 2),
(10, 'Huou', 3, '2021-05-26', 2),
(11, 'Nai', 5, '2021-06-25', 2),
(12, 'Meo', 4, '2021-07-25', 2),
(13, 'MeoRung', 1, '2021-07-25', 2),
(14, 'Su Tu', 15, '2010-12-15', 2)
insert into FoodAnimal(food_id, animal_id)
(1, 2),
(2, 1),
(3, 9),
(4, 3),
(5, 9)
insert into FoodType(id, price, amount)
(1, 12.450, 10),
(2, 17.050, 11),
(3, 52.000, 20),
(4, 22.000, 10),
(5, 19.000, 13)
select Room.name, Animal.name, Animal.age, Animal.buy_at
from Room, Animal
where Room.id = Animal.room_id
order by Room.name
select Room.name, Room.max, count(Animal.room_id) as TongSo
from Room, Animal
where Room.id = Animal.room_id
group by Room.name, Room.max
having count(Animal.room_id) > Room.max
select Room.name, Room.max, count(Animal.room_id) as TongSo
from Room, Animal
where Room.id = Animal.room_id
group by Room.name, Room.max
having count(Animal.room_id) < Room.max
create proc proc_ThongTinThucAn
@animalid int
select FoodAnimal.animal_id, FoodType.id, FoodType.price, FoodType.amount
from FoodAnimal, FoodType
where FoodAnimal.food_id = FoodType.id and FoodAnimal.animal_id = @animalid
create trigger FoodtypeDel on FoodType
instead of delete
delete FoodType where id in (select id from deleted)
delete FoodType where id = 1
exec proc_ThongTinThucAn 3
select * from Room
select * from Animal
select * from FoodAnimal
select * from FoodType