Bài tập - Quản lý quán cafe - Lập trình SQL Server - MySQL
Thiết kế CSDL phục vụ trong việc quản lý quán cafe. Yêu cầu đề bài như sau
- Quản lý được danh mục sản phâm của quán cafe
- Quản lý loại đồ uống trong quán cafe
- Quản lý nhân viên của hàng
- Quản lý đơn hàng -> mỗi đơn hàng được nhập vào bởi một nhân viên (Nghĩa là có thể xem đc đơn hàng này do nhân viên nào nhập) - Chú ý : Mỗi đơn hàng có thể có nhiều loại đồ uống
- Quản lý được khách hàng tới của hàng -> Đơn hàng sẽ mapping được vs khách hàng đã đặt đồ uống.
Yêu cầu nghiệp vụ
- Thiết kế CSDL & Nhập dữ liệu cho mỗi bảng 5 bản ghi
- Đánh index trên ít nhất 1 bảng. Tự chọn cột để đánh index
- Hiển thị danh sách loại đồ uống theo một danh mục -> yêu cầu viết truy vấn sql, tạo store (phần này làm 2 ý tách biết)
- Hiển thị danh mục sản phẩm trong 1 đơn hàng -> yêu cầu viết truy vấn sql và tạo 1 store cho chức năng này
- Hiển thị danh mục các đơn hàng theo mã KH.
- Hiển thị doanh thu theo ngày bắt đầu và ngày kết thức -> yêu cầu viết theo store.
Phản hồi từ học viên
(Dựa trên đánh giá ngày hôm nay)
![TRẦN VĂN ĐIỆP [Teacher]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/fc6ba9324e017d540af3613b3a77dd21.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
2021-02-27 10:07:08
Phân tích database
- Quản lý danh mục sản phẩm: Category
id -> int -> primary key -> identity(1,1)
name -> nvarchar(50)
- Quản lý menu đồ uống: Yêu cầu nghiệp hoặc tham khảo website tượng tự -> xem các thuộc tính cần thiết cho mục này => Product
id -> int -> primary key -> identity(1,1)
title -> nvarchar(200)
thumbnail -> nvarchar(500)
description -> text
price -> float
id_cat -> int -> foreign key -> Category (id)
- Quản lý nhân viên: Staff
id -> int -> primary key -> identity(1,1)
fullname -> nvarchar(50)
birthday -> date
address -> nvarchar(200)
email -> nvarchar(200)
- Quản lý khách hàng: Customer
id -> int -> primary key -> identity(1,1)
fullname -> nvarchar(50)
birthday -> date
phone_number -> nvarchar(20)
email -> nvarchar(200)
address -> nvarchar(200)
('Tran Van A', '1999-01-01', '123456789', 'a@gmail.com', 'HN')
- Quản lý đơn hàng: Nhân viên đã order, khách hang nào, mỗi đơn hàng sẽ order được nhiều sản phẩm.
Nhân a, khách hàng b mua 2 sản phẩm cafe nóng, sinh tố, chi phí tiền nong.
Table: Order
id -> int -> primary key -> identity(1,1)
staff_id -> int -> Staff (id)
customer_id -> int -> Customer (id)
total_price -> float
order_date -> date
note -> varchar(500)
Table: OrderDetail -> lưu thông tin sản phẩm mua
id -> int -> primary key -> identity(1,1)
order_id -> int -> Order (id)
product_id -> int -> Product (id)
number -> int
price -> float
total_price -> float
# Nhân viên A -> 1
# Khách hàng B -> 2
# T1 (1) -> 20000 -> 2
# T2 (2) -> 10000 -> 3
# Order
# 1 1 2 70000
# OrderDetail
# 1 1 2 20000 40000 1
# 2 2 3 10000 30000 1
![TRẦN VĂN ĐIỆP [Teacher]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/fc6ba9324e017d540af3613b3a77dd21.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
2021-02-27 08:18:08
-- Create database: quan_ly_cafe
create database quan_ly_cafe
-- Active database
use quan_ly_cafe
-- Create tables
create table Category (
id int primary key identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(50) not null
create table Product (
id int primary key identity(1,1),
title nvarchar(200),
thumbnail nvarchar(500),
description text,
price float,
id_cat int references Category (id)
create table Staff (
id int primary key identity(1,1),
fullname nvarchar(50),
address nvarchar(200),
email nvarchar(150),
birthday date
create table Customer (
id int primary key identity(1,1),
fullname nvarchar(50),
address nvarchar(200),
email nvarchar(150),
birthday date,
phone_number nvarchar(20)
create table Orders (
id int primary key identity(1,1),
staff_id int references Staff(id),
customer_id int references Customer(id),
total_price float, -- Sai -> thua -> Muc dich nghiep total_price -> xu ly query simple.
order_date datetime,
note nvarchar(500)
create table OrderDetail (
id int primary key identity(1,1),
product_id int references Product(id),
number int,
price float,
total_price float, -- Sai -> thua -> Muc dich nghiep total_price -> xu ly query simple.
order_id int references Orders(id)
-- Insert Data
insert into Category (name)
('Sinh To')
select * from Category
insert into Product (title, thumbnail, description, price, id_cat)
('Cafe nong', 'Thumbnail_1', 'Noi dung 1', 32000, 1),
('Cafe da', 'Thumbnail_2', 'Noi dung 2', 32000, 1),
('Cafe sua', 'Thumbnail_3', 'Noi dung 3', 32000, 1),
('Sinh to bo', 'Thumbnail_4', 'Noi dung 4', 42000, 2),
('Sinh to mang cau', 'Thumbnail_5', 'Noi dung 5', 42000, 2)
select * from Product
insert into Staff(fullname, birthday, email, address)
('TRAN VAN A', '1999-01-20', 'tranvana@gmail.com', 'Ha Noi')
insert into Customer(fullname, birthday, email, address, phone_number)
('TRAN VAN B', '1990-01-20', 'tranvanb@gmail.com', 'Ha Noi', '1234567890')
insert into Orders(staff_id, customer_id, total_price, order_date, note)
(1, 1, 96000, '2021-02-26', ''),
(1, 1, 32000, '2021-02-25', ''),
(1, 1, 74000, '2021-02-27', '')
insert into OrderDetail(order_id, product_id, number, price, total_price)
(1, 1, 2, 32000, 64000),
(1, 2, 1, 32000, 32000),
(2, 1, 1, 32000, 32000),
(3, 1, 1, 32000, 32000),
(3, 5, 1, 42000, 42000)
-- Query & Proc
select Product.id, Product.title, Product.price, Category.name
from Product left join Category on Product.id_cat = Category.id
where Category.id = 1
create proc proc_view_product_by_category
@idCat int
select Product.id, Product.title, Product.price, Category.name
from Product left join Category on Product.id_cat = Category.id
where Category.id = @idCat
exec proc_view_product_by_category 2
-- Order: query & store (proc)
select Product.id, Product.title, Category.name, OrderDetail.number, OrderDetail.price, OrderDetail.total_price
from Product left join Category on Product.id_cat = Category.id
left join OrderDetail on OrderDetail.product_id = Product.id
where OrderDetail.order_id = 1
create proc proc_products_by_order
@orderId int
select Product.id, Product.title, Category.name, OrderDetail.number, OrderDetail.price, OrderDetail.total_price
from Product left join Category on Product.id_cat = Category.id
left join OrderDetail on OrderDetail.product_id = Product.id
where OrderDetail.order_id = @orderId
exec proc_products_by_order 1
-- Query: Xem thong tin don hang -> 1 khach hang da mua -> Customer, Order
select Customer.id, Customer.fullname, Customer.address, Staff.fullname, Orders.total_price, Orders.order_date
from Orders left join Customer on Orders.customer_id = Customer.id
left join Staff on Staff.id = Orders.staff_id
where Customer.id = 1
create proc proc_view_order_by_customer
@customerId int
select Customer.id, Customer.fullname, Customer.address, Staff.fullname, Orders.total_price, Orders.order_date
from Orders left join Customer on Orders.customer_id = Customer.id
left join Staff on Staff.id = Orders.staff_id
where Customer.id = @customerId
exec proc_view_order_by_customer 1
-- Doanh thu
select * from Orders
select sum(total_price) 'Tong Doanh Thu' from Orders
where order_date between '2021-02-25' and '2021-02-26'
create proc proce_money
@startDate date,
@endDate date
select sum(total_price) 'Tong Doanh Thu' from Orders
where order_date between @startDate and @endDate
exec proce_money '2021-02-25', '2021-02-27'
![Do Trung Duc [T2008A]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2973ac07124f066b4605c535e8d39a99.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
Do Trung Duc
2020-12-09 07:32:04
-- Tao database
create database QuanLyCafe
-- Active database
use QuanLyCafe
-- Tao tables
create table category (
id int primary key identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(50) not null
create table product(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
title nvarchar(150),
price money,
thumbnail nvarchar(500),
updated_at datetime,
created_ad datetime,
content text,
id_cat int,
constraint fk_id_cat foreign key (id_cat) references category(id)
create table staff(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
fullname nvarchar(100),
birthday datetime,
address nvarchar(200)
create table customer(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
fullname nvarchar(150),
phone_number nvarchar(30),
address nvarchar(200)
create table orders(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
staff_id int,
constraint fk_staff_id foreign key (staff_id) references staff(id),
customer_id int,
constraint fk_customer_id foreign key (customer_id) references customer(id),
total_price int,
order_date datetime
create table order_detail(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
order_id int,
product_id int,
constraint fk_order_id foreign key (order_id) references orders(id),
constraint fk_product_id foreign key (product_id) references product(id),
amount int,
price money,
total_price int
-- Nhap du lieu cho tat ca cac tables
insert into category(name)
insert into product(title,price,thumbnail,updated_at,created_ad,content,id_cat)
('tra sua tran chau',10,'photo01.jpg','2020-10-10','2020-10-20','abcxyz',2),
('coffe da',20,'photo02.jpg','2020-10-10','2020-10-20','abcxyz',1),
('bia ha noi',30,'photo03.jpg','2020-10-10','2020-10-20','abcxyz',2),
('nuoc cam',40,'photo04.jpg','2020-10-10','2020-10-20','abcxyz',3),
('coca cola',50,'photo05.jpg','2020-10-10','2020-10-20','abcxyz',1)
insert into staff(fullname,birthday,address)
('Leo Messi','2020-05-05','Argentina'),
insert into customer(fullname,phone_number,address)
('Tran Van A','1234444','Hanoi'),
('Tran Van B','133243','Hanam'),
('Tran Van C','3223242','ThaiBinh'),
('Tran Van D','3414141','NamDinh'),
('Tran Van E','31213123','HaiPhong')
select * from staff
insert into orders(staff_id,customer_id,total_price,order_date)
select * from orders
insert into order_detail(order_id,product_id,amount,price,total_price)
-- Liet ke san pham theo 1 danh muc: id, title, price, thumbnail, updated_at, category_name
select * from category
select * from product
select product.id, product.title, product.price, product.thumbnail, product.updated_at, category.name as category_name
from product left join category on product.id_cat = category.id
where category.id = 2
create proc proc_view_product
@idCat int
select product.id, product.title, product.price, product.thumbnail, product.updated_at, category.name as category_name
from product left join category on product.id_cat = category.id
where category.id = @idCat
exec proc_view_product 1
exec proc_view_product 2
-- Hien thi thong tin danh muc san pham trong don hang
select * from category
select * from product
select * from orders
select * from order_detail
select product.title, order_detail.amount, order_detail.price, order_detail.total_price
from product left join order_detail on product.id = order_detail.product_id
where order_detail.order_id = 2
create proc proc_view_order_detail
@orderId int
select product.title, order_detail.amount, order_detail.price, order_detail.total_price
from product left join order_detail on product.id = order_detail.product_id
where order_detail.order_id = @orderId
exec proc_view_order_detail 2
exec proc_view_order_detail 1
-- xem thong tin chi tiet ve KH: nhan vien ban hang, khach hang, tong tien, ngay mua
select staff.fullname 'Ten Nhan Vien', customer.fullname 'Ten KH', orders.total_price, orders.order_date
from orders left join staff on orders.staff_id = staff.id
left join customer on orders.customer_id = customer.id
where orders.customer_id = 2
create proc proc_view_order_by_customer
@customerId int
select staff.fullname 'Ten Nhan Vien', customer.fullname 'Ten KH', orders.total_price, orders.order_date
from orders left join staff on orders.staff_id = staff.id
left join customer on orders.customer_id = customer.id
where orders.customer_id = @customerId
exec proc_view_order_by_customer 2
-- Thong ke doanh thu
select sum(total_price) as 'Tong Doanh Thu'
from orders
where order_date >= '2020-12-10'
and order_date <= '2020-12-30'
create proc proce_view_money
@startDate date,
@endDate date
select sum(total_price) as 'Tong Doanh Thu'
from orders
where order_date >= @startDate
and order_date <= @endDate
exec proce_view_money '2020-12-10', '2020-12-30'
![Nguyên Phấn Đông [T2008A]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c9c4f8f79ce35b9224637b6cc5fbe5c4.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
Nguyên Phấn Đông
2020-12-09 07:04:18
create table category(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(50)
create table product(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
title nvarchar(50),
price money,
cat_id int references category(id),
thumnail nvarchar(500),
update_at datetime,
create_at datetime,
content text
create table staff(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
fullname nvarchar(50),
birth date,
address nvarchar(500)
create table customer(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
fullname nvarchar(50),
phone_number nvarchar(20),
address nvarchar(100)
create table ordder(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
staff_it int foreign key (id) references staff(id),
customer_id int foreign key (id) references customer(id),
total_price int,
order_date date
create table ordder_detal(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
order_id int foreign key (order_id) references ordder(id),
product_id int foreign key(product_id) references product(id),
amuont int,
price int,
total_price int
![Nguyễn Anh Vũ [T2008A]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8863d24ed74b396082becbc4db8331fd.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
Nguyễn Anh Vũ
2020-12-09 06:47:15
create database Quan_Ly_Quan_CONGCafe
use Quan_Ly_Quan_CONGCafe
create table Danh_Muc_Sp (
id int primary key identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(70)
create table Do_Uong (
id int primary key identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(50),
beveragcode nvarchar(50),
smell nvarchar(50),
price nvarchar(30),
size nvarchar(10)
create table Nhan_Vien (
fullname nvarchar(50),
rollno nvarchar(100),
birthday date,
address nvarchar(200),
phonenumber nvarchar(20),
gender nvarchar(10)
create table Quan_ly_Khach_Hang (
id int primary key identity(1,1),
fullname nvarchar (50),
phone_number nvarchar(20),
address nvarchar(50),
gender nvarchar(10)
create table Quan_Ly_Don_Hang (
id int primary key identity(1,1),
staff_id int foreign key references staff(id),
customer_id int foreign key references customer(id),
total_price int(tong so tien cua don hang),
order_date datetime
insert into Danh_Muc_Sp(name)
('Cafe Cộng'),
('Cafe Cộng'),
('Cafe Cộng'),
('Cafe Cộng'),
('Cafe Cộng')
insert into Do_Uong(name,beveragcode,smell,price,size)
('Cafe Sữa Đá', '12345', 'Sữa Dừa','35,000 VNĐ', 'L'),
('Cafe Sữa Đá', '12345', 'Sữa Dừa','35,000 VNĐ', 'L'),
('Cafe Sữa Đá', '12345', 'Sữa Dừa','35,000 VNĐ', 'L'),
('Cafe Sữa Đá', '12345', 'Sữa Dừa','35,000 VNĐ', 'L'),
('Cafe Sữa Đá', '12345', 'Sữa Dừa','35,000 VNĐ', 'L')
insert into Nhan_Vien( fullname, rollno, birthday, address, phonenumber, gender)
('Nguyễn Anh Vũ', 'T2008A', '2020-12-09', 'Hà Nam', '0964657860', 'Nam'),
('Nguyễn Anh Vũ', 'T2008A', '2020-12-09', 'Hà Nam', '0964657860', 'Nam'),
('Nguyễn Anh Vũ', 'T2008A', '2020-12-09', 'Hà Nam', '0964657860', 'Nam'),
('Nguyễn Anh Vũ', 'T2008A', '2020-12-09', 'Hà Nam', '0964657860', 'Nam'),
('Nguyễn Anh Vũ', 'T2008A', '2020-12-09', 'Hà Nam', '0964657860', 'Nam')
insert into Quan_ly_Khach_Hang(fullname,phone_number,address,gender)
('Nguyen Phan Dong', '0911110001', '120 Tran Duy Hung', 'Nu'),
('Nguyen Phan Dong', '0911110001', '120 Tran Duy Hung', 'Nu'),
('Nguyen Phan Dong', '0911110001', '120 Tran Duy Hung', 'Nu'),
('Nguyen Phan Dong', '0911110001', '120 Tran Duy Hung', 'Nu'),
('Nguyen Phan Dong', '0911110001', '120 Tran Duy Hung', 'Nu')
select * from Danh_Muc_Sp
select * from Do_Uong
select * from Nhan_Vien
select * from Quan_ly_Khach_Hang
![Nguyên Phấn Đông [T2008A]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c9c4f8f79ce35b9224637b6cc5fbe5c4.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
Nguyên Phấn Đông
2020-12-09 06:38:44
create table category(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(50)
create table product(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
title nvarchar(50),
price money,
cat_id int references category(id),
thumnail nvarchar(500),
update_at datetime,
create_at datetime,
content text
create table staff(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
fullname nvarchar(50),
birth date,
address nvarchar(500)
create table customer(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
fullname nvarchar(50),
phone_number nvarchar(20),
address nvarchar(100)
create table ordder(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
staff_it int foreign key (id) references staff(id),
customer_id int foreign key (id) references customer(id),
total_price int,
order_date date
create table ordder_detal(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
order_id int foreign key (order_id) references ordder(id),
product_id int foreign key(product_id) references product(id),
amuont int,
price int,
total_price int
![Trần Văn Lâm [T2008A]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cfc15c8cb7781ad669b013e01f9f1a6b.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
Trần Văn Lâm
2020-12-08 15:45:35
create database coffe_vip
use coffe_vip
create table catagory(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(10)
create table product(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
title nvarchar(150),
price money,
thumbnail nvarchar(500),
updated_at datetime,
created_ad datetime,
content text,
id_cat int,
constraint fk_id_cat foreign key (id_cat) references catagory(id)
create table staff(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
fullname nvarchar(100),
birthday datetime,
address nvarchar(200)
create table customer(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
fullname nvarchar(150),
phone_number nvarchar(30),
address nvarchar(200)
create table order_drinks(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
staff_id int,
constraint fk_staff_id foreign key (staff_id) references staff(id),
customer_id int,
constraint fk_customer_id foreign key (customer_id) references customer(id),
total_price int,
order_date datetime
create table order_detail(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
order_id int,
product_id int,
constraint fk_order_id foreign key (order_id) references order_drinks(id),
constraint fk_product_id foreign key (product_id) references product(id),
amount int,
price money,
total_price int
create index ci_name on catagory(name)
select * from catagory
insert into catagory(name)
select * from product
insert into product(title,price,thumbnail,updated_at,created_ad,content,id_cat)
('tra sua tran chau',10,'uelxxxxx',2020-10-10,2020-10-20,'abcxyz',2),
('coffe da',20,'uelxxxxx',2020-10-10,2020-10-20,'abcxyz',1),
('bia ha noi',30,'uelxxxxx',2020-10-10,2020-10-20,'abcxyz',2),
('nuoc cam',40,'uelxxxxx',2020-10-10,2020-10-20,'abcxyz',3),
('coca cola',50,'uelxxxxx',2020-10-10,2020-10-20,'abcxyz',1)
select * from staff
insert into staff(fullname,birthday,address)
('Leo Messi',2020-15-05,'Argentina'),
select * from customer
insert into customer(fullname,phone_number,address)
('Tran Van A','1234444','Hanoi'),
('Tran Van B','133243','Hanam'),
('Tran Van C','3223242','ThaiBinh'),
('Tran Van D','3414141','NamDinh'),
('Tran Van E','31213123','HaiPhong')
select * from order_drinks
insert into order_drinks(staff_id,customer_id,total_price,order_date)
select * from order_detail
insert into order_detail(order_id,product_id,amount,price,total_price)
select catagory.name,product.title,product.price,product.id_cat
from catagory,product
where catagory.id = product.id_cat
and catagory.name = 'coffe'
create proc lam_dz
select catagory.name,product.title,product.price,product.id_cat
from catagory,product
where catagory.id = product.id_cat
and catagory.name = 'coffe'
exec lam_dz
select * from product
select catagory.id,product.title,product.price,product.thumbnail,product.updated_at,product.created_ad,product.content,product.id_cat
from catagory,product
where catagory.id = product.id_cat
and product.title = 'nuoc cam'
create proc lam_pro
select catagory.id,product.title,product.price,product.thumbnail,product.updated_at,product.created_ad,product.content,product.id_cat
from catagory,product
where catagory.id = product.id_cat
and product.title = 'nuoc cam'
exec lam_pr
![Nguyễn Xuân Mai [T2008A]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d3d863d6f47708501814fb41e9c38f31.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
Nguyễn Xuân Mai
2020-12-07 10:14:27
create database quanlyquancafe
use quanlyquancafe
create table category(
category_id int primary key identity(1,1) not null,
category_name nvarchar(50)
insert into category(category_name)
('Ice blended'),
('Vietnamese Coffee')
select * from category
create table nhanvien(
nhanvien_id int primary key identity(1,1) not null,
nhanvien_name nvarchar(100),
nhanvien_birthday date,
nhanvien_gender nvarchar(50)
insert into nhanvien(nhanvien_name, nhanvien_birthday, nhanvien_gender)
('Nguyen A', '1997-02-12', 'Nam'),
('Nguyen B', '1999-12-07', 'Nam'),
('Nguyen C', '1997-02-14', 'Nam'),
('Nguyen D', '2000-10-10', 'Nu'),
('Nguyen E', '1998-11-05', 'Nu')
select * from nhanvien
create table drink(
drink_id int primary key identity(1,1) not null,
drink_name nvarchar(50),
drink_price money,
category_id int references category(category_id)
insert into drink(drink_name, drink_price, category_id)
('Banana Smoothie', '50000', '2'),
('Bac Siu', '60000', '5'),
('Americano', '60000', '1'),
('Earl Grey', '40000', '3'),
('Matcha Ice Blend', '50000', '4')
select * from drink
create table customer(
customer_id int primary key identity(1,1) not null,
customer_name nvarchar(100),
customer_birthday date,
customer_gender nvarchar(50)
insert into customer(customer_name, customer_birthday, customer_gender)
('Pham Hoang Minh', '2002-03-04', 'Nam'),
('Bach Bao Chau', '2003-11-22', 'Nu'),
('Phan Vu', '2004-06-05', 'Nam'),
('Ly Ngoc Khue', '2004-11-25', 'Nu'),
('Tran Ngan Giang', '2003-10-28', 'Nu')
select * from customer
create table donhang(
id int primary key identity(1,1) not null,
nhanvien_id int references nhanvien(nhanvien_id),
customer_id int references customer(customer_id),
donhang_price money,
donhang_date datetime
insert into donhang(nhanvien_id, customer_id, donhang_price, donhang_date)
(5, 2, 120000, '2020-12-07 12:30'),
(2, 4, 60000, '2020-12-03 17:40'),
(3, 1, 40000, '2020-12-05 20:37'),
(1, 5, 100000, '2020-12-07 12:00'),
(4, 3, 200000, '2020-12-07 09:30')
select * from donhang
create table order_detail(
donhang_id int references donhang(id),
category_id int references category(category_id),
drink_id int references drink(drink_id),
donhang_quantity int,
price money
insert into order_detail(donhang_id, category_id, drink_id, donhang_quantity, price)
(1, 1, 3, 2, 120000),
(2, 5, 2, 1, 60000),
(3, 3, 4, 1, 40000),
(4, 2, 1, 1, 50000),
(4, 4, 5, 1, 50000),
(5, 2, 1, 1, 50000),
(5, 4, 5, 1, 40000),
(5, 3, 4, 1, 60000),
(5, 4, 5, 1, 50000)
select * from order_detail
create nonclustered index CI_category_name on category(category_name)
select category.category_name, drink.drink_id, drink.drink_name, drink.drink_price
from category, drink
where category.category_id=drink.category_id and category.category_name = 'Coffee'
group by category.category_name, drink.drink_id, drink.drink_name, drink.drink_price
CREATE PROC proc_view_drink_info
@categoryname nvarchar(50)
SELECT category.category_name, drink.drink_id, drink.drink_name, drink.drink_price, drink.category_id
FROM category, drink
WHERE category.category_id=drink.category_id
AND category.category_name = @categoryname
GROUP BY category.category_name, drink.drink_id, drink.drink_name, drink.drink_price, drink.category_id
EXEC proc_view_drink_info 'Smoothie'
CREATE PROC proc_view_order_info
SELECT order_detail.donhang_id, category.category_name, drink.drink_name, drink.drink_price, order_detail.donhang_quantity, order_detail.price
FROM category, drink, order_detail
WHERE category.category_id=drink.category_id and drink.drink_id=order_detail.drink_id
GROUP BY order_detail.donhang_id, category.category_name, drink.drink_name, drink.drink_price, order_detail.donhang_quantity, order_detail.price
EXEC proc_view_order_info
CREATE PROC proc_view_order_info2
@customerid int
SELECT donhang.customer_id, customer.customer_name, category.category_name, drink.drink_name, drink.drink_price, order_detail.donhang_quantity, order_detail.price
FROM category, drink, donhang, customer, order_detail
WHERE category.category_id=drink.category_id and drink.drink_id=order_detail.drink_id
and customer.customer_id=donhang.customer_id and order_detail.donhang_id=donhang.id
and donhang.customer_id=@customerid
GROUP BY donhang.customer_id, customer.customer_name, category.category_name, drink.drink_name, drink.drink_price, order_detail.donhang_quantity, order_detail.price
EXEC proc_view_order_info2 3
CREATE PROC proc_view_income_info
@date1 date, @date2 date
SELECT sum(donhang.donhang_price) as 'Income'
FROM donhang
WHERE donhang.donhang_date between @date1 and @date2
EXEC proc_view_income_info '2020-12-01', '2020-12-31'
![Do Trung Duc [T2008A]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2973ac07124f066b4605c535e8d39a99.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
Do Trung Duc
2020-12-07 09:42:31
- Bang danh muc san pham: category
- id -> int -> primary key -> identity(1,1)
- name -> nvarchar(50)
- Bang san pham: product
- id -> int -> primary key -> identity(1,1)
- title -> nvarchar(150)
- price -> money
- cat_id -> int -> references category(id)
- num -> int
- thumbnail -> nvarchar(500) -> link hinh anh
- updated_at -> datetime
- created_at -> datetime
- content text
- Quan ly nhan vien: staff
- id -> int -> primary key -> identity(1,1)
- fullname -> nvarchar(50)
- birthday -> date
- address -> nvarchar(200)
- Quan ly khac hang: customer
- id -> int -> primary key -> identity(1,1)
- fullname -> nvarchar(50)
- phone_number -> nvarchar(20)
- address -> nvarchar(200)
- Quan ly don hang:
- Order
- id -> int -> primary key -> identity(1,1)
- staff_id -> int -> foreign key -> references staff (id)
- customer_id -> int -> foreign key -> references customer (id)
- total_price -> int (tong so tien cua don hang)
- order_date: datetime
- order_detail
- id -> int -> primary key -> identity(1,1)
- order_id -> int -> foreign key -> references order (id)
- product_id -> id -> foreign key -> references product (id)
- amount
- price
- total_price
![Nguyễn đình quân [T2008A]](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/46aca6afcfe99fdb28357afb847d8a0c.jpg?s=80&d=mm&r=g)
Nguyễn đình quân
2020-12-07 09:03:16
--tao database :Quanlycafe
create database Quanlycafe
-- kich hoat database : Quanlycafe
use Quanlycafe
--Tao bang category
create table category (
id int primary key indentity(1,1),
name nvarchar(50) not null
create table product(
id int primary key indentity(1,1),
title nvachar(50) not null
description text,
price float,
category_id int references category(id)
create table staff (
id int primary key indentity(1,1),
full name nvarchar(50) not null
address nvarchar(200),
gender nvarchar(20),
birthday data,
phone_number nvarchar (20)
create table customer(
id int primary key indentity(1,1),
full name nvarchar(50) not null
phone_ number nvarchar(150),
email nvarchar(50)
create table order(
id int primary key indentity(1,1)
customer_id int references customer (id),
staff_id int references staff(id),
price _total float
create table orderdetail(
id int primary key indentity (1,1),
product_id int refere product (id),
price float,
num int,
price_total float,
order_id int refences orders (id)
insert into category (name)
('nuoc ep'),
('sinh to')
select=from category
insert into product(title, price, category_id)
('cafe sua ' 32000, 1),
('cafe nong' 52000, 3),
('cafe da'45000,2),
('nuoc ep oi ' 50000, 2),
('nuoc ep cam'50000,2),
('nuoc ep nho'70000,4),
insert into staff(fullname, gender , birthday, phone_number, address)
('tran van son','nam','22-03-1987','0366908296','ha noi'),
('nguyen dinh quan','nam','12-06-1895','066675889',' hai phong'),
('pham cong minh',' nam ','15-06-1975','0366908293','ha noi')
insert into customer (fullname, email, phone_number)
('la thi A','A@gmail.com','0366908296'),
('phan van B','b@gamil.com','0366908296'),
('nguyen thi C',' C@gmail.com','0366908296'),
('nguyen dinh D','D@gmail.com','0366908296quan'),
insert into orders( customer_id , staff_id,price_total)
update orders set created at='2020-08-02' where id =1
insert into orders( customer_id , staff_id,num ,price_total)
(1,1,32000 ,3,96000)
insert into orders( customer_id , staff_id,price_total , created_at)
insert into orders( customer_id , staff_id,num ,price_total)
(3,1,32000 ,3,96000),
select category , name categoryname,