Thiết kế CSDL quản lý bán hàng - create - alter - insert - update - delete trong CSDL - Học lập trình SQL Server
Yêu cầu thiết kế hệ thống quản trị CSDL cho một của hàng thời trang tại hà nôi
- Thiết kế bảng product gồm các trường
id : trường khoá chính tự tăng
title : tên sản phẩm
thumbnail : đường dẫn hình ảnh
content : kiểu longtext
- Thiết kế bảng danh mục sản phẩm gồm các trường
id : trường khoá tự tăng
name : tên danh mục
- Bổ sung các cột vào bảng sản phẩm
price : giá bán
num: số lượng hàng tồn kho
created_at : ngày đăng sản phẩm
updated_at : ngày sửa thông tin sản phẩm
id_cat : id danh mục => liên kết với column id trong bảng danh mục sản phẩm
Yêu cầu:
Tạo bảng theo thứ tự yêu cầu trên
Thêm 5 sản phẩm vào bảng sản phẩm & 3 sản phầm vào bảng danh mục sản phẩm
sửa giá bán price = 5000 với điều kiện giá bán đang = 0 hoặc rỗng hoặc null
sửa giá bán => giảm 10% giá bán với các sản phẩm đăng trước ngày 2020/06/06 (Ví dụ sản phẩm A có giá 50$ => sản 10% sẽ có giá là : 45$)
Xoá sản phẩm đăng trước ngày 2016/12/31
Phản hồi từ học viên
(Dựa trên đánh giá ngày hôm nay)
![Hoàng Thái Sơn [C2010L]](
Hoàng Thái Sơn
2021-04-17 12:46:38
Use Database3_04_2021ShopThoiTrang;
Create table Product (
id INT PRIMARY KEY identity(1,1),
title Nvarchar(25),
thumbnail text,
content text
drop table product
Create table Product_Category (
id INT PRIMARY KEY identity(1,1),
name_cate Nvarchar(50)
drop table Product_Category
select * from Product
select * from Product_Category
alter table product
add price INT
alter table product
add num INT
alter table product
add created_at DATE
alter table product
add updated_at DATE
alter table product
add id_cate INT
alter table product
FOREIGN KEY (id_cate) REFERENCES Product_Category(id);
insert into Product (title, thumbnail, content, price, num, created_at, updated_at, id_cate)
('AoBaba', '', 'ishdfidichiu',6000, 99, '1010-12-12', '1010-12-13', 1)
insert into Product (title, thumbnail, content, price, num, created_at, updated_at, id_cate)
('AoBab', '', 'ishdfidichiu',500, 99, '1010-12-12', '1010-12-13', 2)
insert into Product (title, thumbnail, content, price, num, created_at, updated_at, id_cate)
('AoBa', '', 'ishdfidichiu',0, 99, '1010-12-12', '1010-12-13', 3)
insert into Product (title, thumbnail, content, num, created_at, updated_at, id_cate)
('AoB', '', 'ishdfidichiu', 99, '1010-12-12', '1010-12-13', 2)
insert into Product (title, thumbnail, content, price, num, created_at, updated_at, id_cate)
('Ao', '', 'ishdfidichiu',6020,99, '1010-12-12', '1010-12-13', 1)
insert into Product (title, thumbnail, content, price, num, created_at, updated_at, id_cate)
('A', '', 'ishdfidichiu',602,99, '2017-12-12', '1010-12-13', 1)
DELETE FROM Product WHERE title='Ao';
insert into Product_Category (name_cate)
UPDATE Product
SET Price = 5000
WHERE Price = 0;
UPDATE Product
SET Price = 5000
WHERE title = 'AoB';
UPDATE Product
SET Price = price - price*0.1
Where created_at < '2020-06-06';
Delete from Product where created_at < '2016-12-31';
![Võ Như Việt [C2010L]](
Võ Như Việt
2021-04-05 16:15:29
create Database Cua_Hang_Thoi_Trang
use Cua_Hang_Thoi_Trang
-- bang Product--
create table product(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
title nvarchar(100),
thumbnail nvarchar(1000),
content text
-- bang San Pham --
create table Item(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
name_Item nvarchar(50)
--Bo sung danh muc vao Product--
alter table product
add Price nvarchar(50),
num int,
created_at smalldatetime,
updated_at smalldatetime,
id_cat int,
constraint fk_product_id foreign key (id_cat) references Item (id);
--sua gia tri trong bang Product--
alter table product
alter column created_at date;
alter table product
alter column updated_at date;
select * from product
--them 5 san pham vao bang Product--
insert into product(title,thumbnail,content,price,num,created_at,updated_at)
('ao khoac','link','mua dong',10000,25,'2020-04-03','2020-04-05'),
('quan bo','link','rach mong',20000,15,'2021-04-01','2021-04-04'),
('ao long vu','link','sieu mong',30000,10,'2021-04-02','2021-04-05'),
('quan au','link','dang dep',20000,20,'2021-04-1','2021-04-04'),
('dong phuc','link','cong so',40000,5,'2021-04-03','2021-04-05')
-- them 3 san pham vao bang Item--
insert into Item(name_Item)
('do nam'),
('do nu'),
('full bo')
select * from Item
-- dieu kien 1--
update product set price = 5000 where price = 0 and price = '' and price = 'null'
-- dieu kien 2--
update product set price = * 10% where created_at > '2020/06/06';
-- xoa san pham dang --
delete from product where created_at >'2016-12-31'
![TRẦN VĂN ĐIỆP [Teacher]](
2021-03-24 01:41:03
-- Create Tables
create table bt1770_product (
id int primary key identity(1,1),
title nvarchar(200),
thumbnail nvarchar(500),
content text
create table bt1770_category (
id int primary key identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(50)
-- Alter
alter table bt1770_product
add price float
alter table bt1770_product
add num int
alter table bt1770_product
add created_at datetime
alter table bt1770_product
add updated_at datetime
alter table bt1770_product
add id_cat int
-- constraint
alter table bt1770_product
add constraint fk_category foreign key (id_cat) references bt1770_category(id)
-- Insert data
insert into bt1770_category(name)
('Thoi Trang Nam'),
('Thoi Trang Nu'),
('For Kids')
insert into bt1770_product (id_cat, title, thumbnail, content, price, num, created_at, updated_at)
(1, 'T-Shirt Abc', 'thumbnail 1', 'Noi dung 1', 10000, 20, '2021-03-24 08:00:00', '2021-03-24 08:00:00'),
(1, 'T-Shirt BBB', 'thumbnail 2', 'Noi dung 2', 20000, 10, '2021-03-24 08:00:00', '2021-03-24 08:00:00'),
(1, 'T-Shirt CCC', 'thumbnail 3', 'Noi dung 3', 30000, 30, '2021-03-24 08:00:00', '2021-03-24 08:00:00'),
(2, 'T-Shirt 000', 'thumbnail 4', 'Noi dung 4', 40000, 50, '2021-03-24 08:00:00', '2021-03-24 08:00:00'),
(3, 'T-Shirt UUU', 'thumbnail 5', 'Noi dung 5', 50000, 60, '2021-03-24 08:00:00', '2021-03-24 08:00:00')
insert into bt1770_product (id_cat, title, thumbnail, content, price, num, created_at, updated_at)
(3, 'T-Shirt KKK', 'thumbnail 6', 'Noi dung 6', 0, 20, '2021-03-24 08:00:00', '2021-03-24 08:00:00')
insert into bt1770_product (id_cat, title, thumbnail, content, num, created_at, updated_at)
(3, 'T-Shirt SSS', 'thumbnail 7', 'Noi dung 7', 20, '2021-03-24 08:00:00', '2021-03-24 08:00:00')
select * from bt1770_category
select * from bt1770_product
update bt1770_product set price = 5000 where price = 0 or price is null
update bt1770_product set price = price * 0.9 where created_at <= '2020-06-06'
delete from bt1770_product where created_at <= '2016-12-31'
![Trinh Huy Hung [community,C2009I]](
Trinh Huy Hung
2021-01-26 10:05:26
create database Store1
use Store1
create table Product(
id int identity(1, 1) primary key,
title nvarchar(50),
thumbnail nvarchar(200),
content text
create table ProductList(
id int identity(1, 1) primary key,
name nvarchar(50)
alter table Product
add price float
alter table Product
add num int
alter table Product
add created_at date
alter table Product
add updated_at date
alter table Product
add id_cat int references ProductList(id)
insert into ProductList(name)
insert into Product(title, thumbnail, content, price, num, created_at, updated_at, id_cat)
('Camera 01', '', 'Camera Product 01', 0, 56, '2020-03-20', '2021-03-20', 1),
('Camera 02', '', 'Camera Product 02', 750000, 40, '2020-05-22', '2021-03-22', 1),
('Screen 01', '', 'Screen Product 01', 450000, 56, '2020-04-23', '2021-03-22', 2),
('Screen 02', '', 'Screen Product 02', 900000, 56, '2016-02-24', '2021-03-21', 2),
('PC 01', '', 'PC Product 01', 15000000, 30, '2020-10-20', '2021-02-20', 3)
select * from Product
update Product
set price=5000
where price=0 or price=Null or price=''
update Product
set price=price*90/100
where created_at < '2020-06-06'
delete from Product Where created_at < '2016-12-31'
select * from Product
![Vũ Trung Kiên [C2009I]](
Vũ Trung Kiên
2021-01-25 15:05:26
create database CuaHangThoiTrang
use CuaHangThoiTrang
create table Product
id int primary key identity(1,1),
title nvarchar(50),
thumbnail nvarchar(50),
content nvarchar(max)
create table ProductList
id int primary key identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(50)
alter table Product
add price int,
num int,
created_at date,
updated_at date,
id_cat int
alter table Product
add constraint fk_id foreign key (id_cat) references ProductList (id)
insert into ProductList(name)
('nuoc cham'),
('trai cay'),
('dien tu')
insert into Product(title, thumbnail, content, price, num, created_at, updated_at, id_cat)
('chuoi', 'abc', 'sagbsjahgbksaegjsh g;sig', '15000', '15', '2020/04/15', '2020/04/16', '2'),
('cam', 'abc', 'sagbahgbkdfssaegjsh g;sig', '10000', '125', '2020/05/15', '2020/06/16', '2'),
('quyt', 'abc', 'sagbsjmej5aegjsh g;sig', '25000', '85', '2019/04/15', '2020/02/16', '2'),
('nuoc mam', 'abc', 'sagbsehshrehsrehh g;sig', '12000', '21', '2020/04/20', '2021/01/6', '1'),
('dien thoai', 'abc', 'sagbsdhsdhrdhdshrhs', '150000', '150', '2020/10/15', '2021/04/16', '3')
update Product set price = price - (0.1 * price)
where created_at <= '2020/06/06'
select * from Product
select * from ProductList
![Nguyễn Hữu Hiếu [T2008A]](
Nguyễn Hữu Hiếu
2020-12-15 08:56:23
create database 1770
use 1770
create table product (
id int primary key identity(1,1),
tilte nvarchar(250),
thumbnail nvarchar(500),
content text,
price money,
num int,
created_at date,
update_at date,
id_category int references category(id)
create table category(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(250)
insert into category(name)
('Ca phe'),
insert into product (tilte,thumbnail,content,price,num,created_at,update_at,id_category)
('Ca phe G7','g7.png','Ca phe pha san',32000,20,'2020-09-15','2020-10-20',1),
('Danisa','da.png','Banh ngon lam',1122000,20,'2020-09-20','2020-10-20',2),
('Danisa','da.png','Banh ngon lam',1122000,20,'2020-09-15','2020-10-20',2),
('Danisa','da.png','Banh ngon lam',1122000,20,'2020-09-15','2020-10-20',2),
('Danisa','da.png','Banh ngon lam',1122000,20,'2020-09-15','2020-10-20',2)
select * from product
DELETE FROM product WHERE created_at <= '2020-09-15'
![Nguyễn Anh Vũ [T2008A]](
Nguyễn Anh Vũ
2020-11-30 06:42:03
create database BT1770
use BT1770
create table product (
id int primary key identity(1, 1),
title nvarchar(100),
thumbnail nvarchar(500),
content text
create table Sanpham (
id int primary key identity(1, 1),
name nvarchar(100) not null
alter table Sanpham
add price float,
num int,
created_at date,
updated_at date
alter table Sanpham
add id_cat int
select * from product
select * from Sanpham
insert into product(title, thumbnail, content)
('Ao da bong 1', '', 'San pham 1'),
('Ao da bong 2', '', 'San pham 2'),
('Ao da bong 3', '', 'San pham 3'),
('Ao da bong 4', '', 'San pham 4'),
('Ao da bong 5', '', 'San pham 5')
insert into Sanpham(name, price, num, created_at, updated_at, id_cat)
('Ao 1', 120.000, 12, '2020-11-12', '2020-11-23', 1),
('Ao 2', 120.000, 12, '2020-11-12', '2020-11-23', 2),
('Ao 3', 120.000, 12, '2020-11-12', '2020-11-23', 3),
('Ao 4', 120.000, 12, '2020-11-12', '2020-11-23', 4),
('Ao 5', 120.000, 12, '2020-11-12', '2020-11-23', 5)
update Sanpham
set price = 5000 where price in (0,null,'')
![Trần Văn Lâm [T2008A]](
Trần Văn Lâm
2020-11-28 14:43:19
create database quan_li_ban_hang
use quan_li_ban_hang
create table product(
id int primary key identity(1,1),
title nvarchar(50),
thumbnail nvarchar(500),
content text,
create table product_directory(
id int identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(50)
select * from product
select * from product_directory
alter table product
add price int,
num int,
created_at date,
updated_at date,
id_cat int
insert into product(title,thumbnail,content,price,num,created_at,updated_at,id_cat)
insert into product_directory(name)
update product
set price = 5000
where price = 3000
select * from product
update product
set price = price - price*0.1
where created_at <= '2020-06-05'
![Trần Thị Khánh Huyền [T2008A]](
Trần Thị Khánh Huyền
2020-11-27 08:43:23
id varchar(4) PRIMARY KEY,
title varchar(50),
thumbnail varchar(500),
content longtext
CREATE TABLE product_list(
id varchar(4) PRIMARY KEY,
name varchar(200)
ADD price varchar(50);
ADD num varchar(50);
ADD created_at date;
ADD updated_at date;
ADD id_cat varchar(10);
INSERT INTO product (id, title, thumbnail, content, price, num, created_at, updated_at, id_cat)
VALUES('1','SP1','123','abcd', '500', '50', '2020/08/09', '2020/10/10', 'A'),
('2','SP2','124','abce', '500', '0', '2020/02/02', '2020/10/10', 'A'),
('3','SP3','125','abcf', '500', '50', '2020/08/10', '2020/10/10', 'B'),
('4','SP4','126','abcg', '500', '50', '2020/02/09', '2020/10/10', 'B'),
('5','SP5','127','abch', '500', '50', '2020/09/09', '2020/10/10', 'B')
INSERT INTO product_list (id, name)
VALUES ('A', 'SP1'),
('B', 'SP2'),
('C' 'SP3')
UPDATE product
set price=5000,
where price='0' or price='' or price='null'
UPDATE product
set price=price*0.9
where created_at<2020/06/06
DELETE product where created_at <2016/12/31
![Triệu Văn Lăng [T2008A]](
Triệu Văn Lăng
2020-11-27 08:03:55
create database bt1770
use bt1770
create table product (
id int primary key identity(1,1),
title nvarchar(100),
thumbnail nvarchar(500),
content text
create table danhmuc (
id int primary key identity(1,1),
name nvarchar(100)
alter table product
add price float,
num int,
created_at datetime,
update_at datetime;
alter table product
add id_cat int
alter table product
add constraint fk_id_cat foreign key (id_cat) references danhmuc(id)
select * from product
select * from danhmuc
insert into danhmuc(name)
insert into product(title, thumbnail, content, price, num, created_at, update_at, id_cat)
('Iphone 11', 'url_ip1', 'san pham 1', '1000', '10', '2020-11-26 8:00:00', '2020-12-30 23:59:00', '1'),
('Iphone 11 promax', 'url_ip2', 'san pham 1', '2000', '10', '2020-11-26 8:00:00', '2020-12-30 23:59:00', '1'),
('Iphone 11 pro', 'url_ip3', 'san pham 1', '3000', '10', '2020-11-26 8:00:00', '2020-12-30 23:59:00', '1'),
('Iphone 12', 'url_ip4', 'san pham 1', '4000', '10', '2020-11-26 8:00:00', '2020-12-30 23:59:00', '1'),
('Iphone 12 promax', 'url_ip5', 'san pham 1', '5000', '10', '2020-11-26 8:00:00', '2020-12-30 23:59:00', '1')
insert into product(title, thumbnail, content, price, num, created_at, update_at, id_cat)
('Oppo reno 3', 'url_op1', 'san pham 2', '1100', '10', '2020-11-26 8:00:00', '2020-12-30 23:59:00', '2'),
('Oppo reno 4', 'url_op2','san pham 2', '2200', '10', '2020-11-26 8:00:00', '2020-12-30 23:59:00', '2'),
('Oppo reno 3 pro', 'url_op3', 'san pham 2', '3300', '10', '2020-11-26 8:00:00', '2020-12-30 23:59:00', '2'),
('Oppo reno 4 pro', 'url_op4', 'san pham 2', '4400', '10', '2020-11-26 8:00:00', '2020-12-30 23:59:00', '2'),
('Oppo reno 3 promax', 'url_op5', 'san pham 2', '5500', '10', '2020-11-26 8:00:00', '2020-12-30 23:59:00', '2')
insert into product(title, thumbnail, content, price, num, created_at, update_at, id_cat)
('Samsung 1', 'url_ss1', 'san pham 3', '1500', '10', '2020-11-26 8:00:00', '2020-12-30 23:59:00', '3'),
('Samsung 2', 'url_ss2', 'san pham 3', '2500', '10', '2020-11-26 8:00:00', '2020-12-30 23:59:00', '3'),
('Samsung 3', 'url_ss3', 'san pham 3', '3500', '10', '2020-11-26 8:00:00', '2020-12-30 23:59:00', '3'),
('Samsung 4', 'url_ss4', 'san pham 3', '4500', '10', '2020-11-26 8:00:00', '2020-12-30 23:59:00', '3'),
('Samsung 5', 'url_ss5', 'san pham 3', '5500', '10', '2020-11-26 8:00:00', '2020-12-30 23:59:00', '3')